Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 56.

  • No change since 2017 :x Might as well close this thread. I have moved on to an Android app instead.

  • Will there be an update to consider the increased cargo capacity provided by hyperspace technology?

  • Working for me on Chrome Version 68.0.3440.106 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit), i.e. same version as yours, Win7 if that might make a difference. What exactly is not working for you? Is the script correctly installed using tampermonkey (and activated)?

  • Money or not doesn't change the lack of interest regarding AGO that is being displayed. Bugs RiV fixed within a month had not been touched in over a year. I can understand if someone no longer has the time or motivation to work on "his" addon, but seriously: Forbidding someone, who wants to help towards progress, to work on the project, and even someone previously involved in development? That's really uncalled for.

  • @RiV- How much difference is there between the current state and Francolinos "last version shole does not make a ruckus about"? Would adding your changes to that starting point be easy enough to avoid having to deal with sholes hallucinations? I really wonder whether a lawyer wouldn't just laugh about someone trying to enforce copyright on an openly published add-on for a browsergame which he no longer maintains.. @Shole Forgot to say Thanks for wanting to let AGO rot rather than having someone …

  • You missed that rapidfire is only a statistical value influencing the chance for another attack by the same ship. A simulator will only give you a specific case out of the possible cases. Worst case being rapidfire never triggers and the 1 RIP only kills 1 target each round.

  • Good evening! It always bugs me but I never considered making a suggestion about it: When adding an attacker slot, would it be possible to automagically copy the techs and start coordinates from the previous attacker slot? That would be much appreciated

  • By getting active and asking you why your production is so much higher and how they can improve their playstyle. By informing themselves on the forums and putting thought into their account setup. It's a thing you don't get without actively searching for it. Of course it's a question of game design. We could also have page upon page about efficiency and other tips in the tutorial, but that might as well make it so boring that they loose motivation anyway. If they don't become active they won't l…

  • New players might not think about the preferable order of mines and astro, let alone compute the amortisation of both cases depending on the next mine and the number of planets. If you want to be efficient that is how you need to think. There might be a motivation issue for new players if they compare themselves with experienced players. In my opinion a learning curve is a good way to keep the game interesting. In case of the old system there was still a way of playing efficiently by means of an…

  • bashing limits

    Lilith - - Archive - Suggestions


    At least in the german community we already have servers where there is no bashing rule.

  • bashing limits

    Lilith - - Archive - Suggestions


    This gotta be a joke, right? A single player should be able to accomplish the same as two players together? Aside from the responses I gave you in your second thread, this is getting childish.

  • bashing limits

    Lilith - - Archive - Suggestions


    Moons and planets count separately, so you can send 6 attacks to the planet after spending 6 waves of ds on the moon. The limit allows players to not have their moon removed too easily. And for every moon there is a number of ds that yield a 100% destruction chance. If your willing to take the losses that is.

  • bashing limits

    Lilith - - Archive - Suggestions


    There is a reason for that limit With 2 people sending deathstars you already have 12 tries. Increase your chances by sending more DS, in case the moon HAS TO fall on that day.

  • Fuel usage

    Lilith - - Archive - Suggestions


    If you have an idea you might want to give a motivation for implementation.

  • As if this idea would turn the balance more than the other, already implemented, DM features :d

  • You can set a minimum amount of loot under which the spy reports are hidden (under "Global options"). Also set to automatically collect spy reports and display the table, so you don't have to click "Get Messages" and "Display Table".

  • Depending on the time between two attacks you can set the hours in "hide spy reports older than x hours".

  • The EMPM should not be destroyable by IPM, because that would be too cheap. Another thing is Iontech. There are people who save in unbuilding (? Abriss in german. Just the opposite of building something). These like to keep their iontech on a minimum to be able to save more resources that way. But thats only a matter of selecting a different tech for this idea.

  • Quote from OddWH: “@Lilith : Can you tell me in which language you play ? On O-Table settings, did you set the billion and million indicators as you have them on ogame ? Your issue seems weird if it concerns only one spy report. If you encounter this again, please send me a screenshot of the spy report, and if you can, the whole html code of it (so by this way I can inject it on my page and check by myself) Thank you ” Skip the nonsense in brackets { The problem only occured, when there was no c…

  • Okay, been using your script with nice advantages now really cool resource proportions when farming in order of msu/h, thanks again! However I just encountered a spy report with over 2.3 million loot. It was filtered out by my settings of 1.0 million MSU and after adjusting the filter to 500k MSU it showed up in the table as 275k loot, deuterium only *shrug* There is no defence and no fleet. This might just be the case for 7-day inactives (i), because I haven't encountered this before. Usually m…