Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 43.

  • API automatic copy

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    i am definately for this idea, totally agree with the auto copy of API text, the popup goes away on mobile devices when u try to copy it. GAMEFORGE FIX THIS ASAP!!!!!

  • In-game battle simulator

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    Quote from Guritchi: “In the meantime, try UniverseView. It is an approved extension for chrome/firefox/opera that does exactly what you want (and a lot more without polluting your screen as much as Antigame) ” Ive tried that, didn't like it either, I want the basic game to work entirely within itself was my point. I want to be able to do attacks strategically with my phone as well, I am traveling and at work most of the day with some time off here and there, I want to do attacks in that time an…

  • Quote from Guritchi: “Maybe just a tab for overall stats on player performance : - ratio of resources collected mining/raiding/trading - number of successful/failed attacks and defenses - average of resources collected per raid - graph for rank/point progression for both player and alliance (with eventually flags for internal game events or wars) and so on... Time spend online will scare some players though^^ ” I think that sounds great, I am for it, but that is going way too into detail with th…

  • Quote from Guderian: “I'd say NO. This is part of strategy to have deuterium where it's actually needed ” There is no strategy of sending Deuterium to moons u want to go to....separately..

  • Its totally necessary to be able to jump at least Deuterium (as much as your cargo can hold) along with your fleet thru jump gates. You are left immobilized after a jump unless u left Deuterium there beforehand. It's totally logical that you should be able to bring your fuel at least to wherever your ships are going. It makes no sense if you can't because how do your ships fly thru the jump gates then? And then land on the other moon??? They can carry enough fuel to move that much can't they?? S…

  • We need the ability to convert bronze kraken, Detroit, newtron items to silver or gold because this is so slow to use bronze later in the game.

  • Npc planets/outposts

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “Quote from stellar pegasus: “I am totally for this idea except I would like it more if it were not npc planets that stay there forever, but rather a group of ships spotted in some system, and you only have a few hours to attack them for unknown res reward and DF from their ships. Aliens/pirates would be what they are. They should appear and disappear randomly and you have to be online more to find more of these "spotted foreign fleets". ” so no skill, only to be nerd ?Maybe ran…

  • Npc planets/outposts

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    I am totally for this idea except I would like it more if it were not npc planets that stay there forever, but rather a group of ships spotted in some system, and you only have a few hours to attack them for unknown res reward and DF from their ships. Aliens/pirates would be what they are. They should appear and disappear randomly and you have to be online more to find more of these "spotted foreign fleets".

  • Instead I think they should make defense easier/faster to build on a moon and that would solve the problem. Like allow separate fields for shipyard and nanite building so they can be raised higher without affecting usual fields. Then you can make a lot of defense and defend against Deathstars.

  • I think shielding should be an absorb damage function, not a bounce back function. It should absorb the damage and then the Structural integrity is damaged after shielding is lost in a battle, or maybe in each round (like it can recover). Hopefully this does good for ion cannons because I like those but resist building a lot because they are useless.

  • In-game battle simulator

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    Ok this game really needs an in-game battle simulator, or at least something that will show you your losses/profits on an espionage report. Maybe it could be some kind of button on an EspReport that opens up a pop-up window, plain and simple type, enter your ships you want to send, and there it shows you your losses/profits. You shouldn't have to reach for third party websites to help you do something so necessary for this game. Nobody wants to blindly send their fleet at a target they don't kno…

  • It can create competition between players to see who can make the most resources and this will help with increasing the population of Ogame i think. It is an area at the resources tab that shows how much resources you have mined to date (ever). Maybe even put it in a subsection of the economy part of the highscores? My idea of what it could look like: (screenshot attached)

  • Heres a simple idea of how things could look in my opinion. Could be made much better tho if some extra thought were put into it. Maybe a little dropdown menu or something.

  • I was wondering if Gameforge can add a few buttons in the messages page so that you can view certain messages at the top of the list, like most loot, most defense, most fleet, closest coords to you, etc. i dont want to use addons, but i want some kind of way to sort my messages, its like digging thru a file cabinet right now.

  • Purchased DM

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “Do you really think that GameForge can show how many DM buy any players ? Not only it is a violation of privacy, but is also should be a bad idea because a player probably decrease the amount od bought DM. Or do you talk about an information that only you can see ? ” Do they pay you to disagree with just about every thread on here??

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    I like this too but i think its too strong. Needs to start out weaker, less S.I and damage, then gets stronger with upgrades/research.

  • API automatic copy

    stellar pegasus - - Suggestions


    Quote from Mazzy: “Good evening to everyone. I have a very simple suggestion: when you click the API button, you automatically copy the API code instead of opening a pop-up. What do you think? I think it's a simple fix that would improve the gaming experience (at least but not last the mobile phone experience). ” use the mobile version of the website on your phone. makes things a lot easier.

  • Quote from Aonikenk: “Quote from stellar pegasus: “I was wondering if Gameforge can make their own version of a player coordinate mapping window, where you can find a target and enter in their coordinates of all their planets so you can keep track of them. I know about Antigame and UniverseView, i just dont like how they make the game look and feel. They change a lot of other things too. I like the original Ogame webpage look but with a small window added somewhere on the screen where you can en…

  • Also this that i am asking does not ruin game play in anyway, its like instead of writing someones planets on a piece of paper, you have them on screen and can click thru them saving you time from having to manually enter the coordinates for each of his planets. So this doesnt cheat the game in any way at all.

  • Quote from TGWo: “I don't like the idea ........... already i hate the existing api that show all planets of a player. Better when you had to search by hand, and not click and script say to you. ” What existing API? there is no such feature already in the game without any extensions to show all planets of a player.