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  • Honour Points (HP) - One sub-item of the military highscore are honour points. When fighting against other players, under certain conditions (see below) one can gain or loose honour points. Honour points will imply titles as well as advantages and disadvantages. In ACS, honour points will be assigned or subtracted proportionately. Honour points are earned by fighting stronger or equal players (in military points), the defender can not loose HP. When fighting against a disproportionately weak pla…

  • OGame 3.0 Information Thread OGame 3.0 brings some innovations with it. This thread should serve to explain the most important innovations, list Bugs known bugs and problems, answer some difficult questions and show up possible future changes. The bigger part of the following content origins from the PDF of WeTeHa. New Highscores - Economy Highscore The economy highscore considers the built resources for buildings and defensive structures, and 50% of the built resources for civil ships, phalanxe…