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  • Ignorance

    Pawel - - General


    I still think the word ignorance is right here. Problems on paid servers are eliminated immediately, but this server was offered as a gift for old players without any support. Several months of work by many people have been transformed by laziness. That is why I have the right to write it right here, and I hope it will reach the decayers for such a state of affairs. Currently, I am deleting my accounts on Polish paid servers (4 and 8 years old) and I am not going to support my GF projects any mo…

  • Ignorance

    Pawel - - General


    Information for the game operator. Your disrespectful attitude towards Retro server players has made me decide to delete many summer accounts on Polish Libra and Quantum servers. This approach can not be accepted, I do not intend to finance you any further. Several of my friends will do exactly the same thing. Since you can spend a few hours dealing with the problems that occur on paid servers and here in weeks you have not done anything, I think the players approach to you and the deletion of a…