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  • - Official Polish discussion thread

    Mys - - General


    Nie wiem czy zauważyliście, ale na scene wkroczyła nowa skoncentrowana siła UW_PL, obecnie top2 w rankingu sojuszy. Co więcej z ambicjami na top1

  • 150k deuterium vs metal 2:1 4G

    Mys - - Archive


    selling 150k deuterium vs metal 2:1 ratio 4 galaxy daily ign: Mys

  • Discord channel

    Mys - - General


    With a start of Ogame Retro server let's socialize each other as much a we did long time ago. However the communication in this game is the worst part of it. It would be nice to socialize this old game to new 2016 level. For this I have created Discord communication channel for Ogame Retro Server players. Join here and be online wherever You are - PC, smartphone, tablet etc. See Ya!