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  • Dyson Shroud

    Pinturicchio - - Archive - Suggestions


    Bella TG vedo che il tuo inglese fa cagare assai. I didn't read anything about your idea. The only thing i want to say is: ogame is a game based on military's strategy or only on costs of production and so on? Maybe you should have some idea on a new type of fleet or something that could renew the game under that aspect. If you have to complete a long time research you will always use DM. Ciá TG.

  • Quote from TGWo: “why don't start to play in an universe x2 if you want to spend less time to attack or to do more attacks in same time ? Time of vacation is a different argument, to prevent to use vacation instead to fleetsave. PS: maybe this change sound good when you have to attack, but change strategy in case to defense, study players and in case of ninja ” Ogame is 1x Fleet speed. 2x is too fast for me. What kind of strategies this change can do? I'm asking , as i think a lot of player, to …

  • Quote from TGWo: “it is normal that in an universe slower all is more slow, not only what you like. ” I don't think that's correct. It's slower , ok but i am using death stars every night.. i spend something like 3-4 hours to send them thanks to 1h cooldown. I listen other players in my situation and they all leave the game for this aspect. It's stressful. As the vacation mode , i think that this aspect has to be equalized beetween universes that have different speed 's fleet.

  • I think it could be an important upgrade!! Why in a 2x fleet speed have to attend 30 minutes and a player in a 1x 60? The upgrade of the jump gate is useless. It costs too much and it doesn't lower the cooldown consistently. Everyone using death stars in a 1x speed universe knows why this upgrade it's important.