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1kk DEUTER for sale
PostHi Please contact me if you want to buy deuter for metal or mix cheap rates ! I can deliver anywhere nick in the game Itsari
Ogame retro is brilliant! Back to the AM makes the biggest difference...there is no short xut...just hard work...well, apart from pushing but this is a story for another thread. Always there will be something that people moan about or they want to improve...its the same for this unuverse I personally prefer system with ACS but most of the time Im playing and attacking solo anyway so I can live with this.... Messaging system is tragic...but again, you can get use to it and live with it…
As per thread subject I would like to buy CRYSTAL for METAL location: second half of the 1st galaxy Nick: Itsari
Quote from Shole: “Before posting go under Setting and check if "Disable post" is checked by you. If it is, please remove that check.” Ive checked the settings in new post and does not show option Disable Post and Ive checked also my profile settings and cannot find this either... Also this is my 14th post and I still need to wait for approval and cannot edit any of my previous posts...
Jako ze nie moge edytowac posta powyzej musze zadac pytanie w rym poscie:) Jak wrazenia po pierwszych lilku dniach na Epicu? Czy spelnia to Wasze oczekiwania i zaspokaja po polrocznym wyczekiwaniu? Co jest na plus a co na minus? Zaczne od siebie... Jak dla mnie jest to pozytywny powrot do starych czasow, gdzie nie bylo anty i liczyla sie o wiele bardziej strategia zarzadzania swoim kontem, surowcami, wydatkami i planowaniem. Speed x1 jak najbardziej mi odpowiada...jedyny minus jak dla mnie to br…
Polish thread where we can have discussion on various elements of the Epic Blue in Polish language! Temat w ktorym mozna pospamowac na wszelakie tematy zwiazane z Epic Blue w naszym ojczystym jezyku:)
bang ! that's the right answer Thanks next question.... does BBcode work it seems some commends dont work ...colours for example//
I'm updating text in internal section of alliance management and saving this but nothing appears at all in internal alliance page whats wrong?
Hello all Just wondering if this is normal procedure on other language forums in relation to approval of the new posts/threads....on this forum every post/thred need to be approved by forum mods before it will go public... In polish forum if you write new comments / post it is live straight away.... Is this sort of communism here that all posts need to be approved by someone and there is no frredom of speech???? WEIRD,!!
Good one!!! And so real!
Where are you from?
PostOriginated in Poland...beenn in London for last 12 years:)
Whats the official Retro server forum with usual threads such as diplomacy, trade, CR?
Quote from Shole: “Its because none tool is tolerated for Retro universe. When some of tools get tolerated thread will be edited and tool will be added to the list.” Thats not true acoording to game T&C point 6.0 See below link to all accepted scripts which this T&C refers to Quote: “ Ogame 6.0 Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins ”