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Search results 1-20 of 69.

  • 25 planets per sistem

    Molle - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from Charlie: “mmm... I see your point, but it would only make sense for crowded universes, what sadly, it's not really common in all regions. Still, it's not a bad idea to make the game a little bit different without affecting the current universe speeds. ” If it makes sense to you, would you mind explaining it to me?

  • So you are suggesting what?

  • Fleet I-II-III pages

    Molle - - Fleet


    When will that update come? Or has it come and I'm using the wrong AGO? - I'm using AntiGameOrign V6 6.5.1 Or is my AntiGame for some reason not updating as it should? Because I'd love to use thise functions on a daily basis --EDIT-- I have had some thoughts about the Fleet II page. Should one be able to toggle through both the "last" list and the "Standard Targets" list? Or only own coordinates, the "Shortcut" list? My suggestion is that the current position (Galaxy:system:position:planet/moon)…

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    Molle - - Feedback & Discussions


    Well, that takes care of the immediate problem I guess. And that's good. But again. If people have planned their FS to return and now can't log in to get it to safety or in V-mode before the attack block ends, then what?

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    Molle - - Feedback & Discussions


    All accounts should be thrown into V-mode. Some may have started vacation etc. They may have planned their FS to return and to put their accounts into V-mode, but not being able to log in to do se will be a huge problem. Whenever something like this happens all affected accounts in all affected universes should automatically enter V-mode. It's just a bitch because what do you do with all the inactives? Put them into V-mode as well? Then they can't be farmed. Not putting them in V-mode? Not reall…

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    Molle - - Feedback & Discussions


    For the past 45 mins I've been trying to enter my Lobby with no success. I don't really like the new lobby system at ALL! When one system fails, so does the all and that is a huge problem. I'm fairly sure that the servers themself are working just fine, but to what point if I can't access the lobby?

  • LOL. When I suggested this I had just startet the current server. Now I'm rank 13 out of 401 players (including inactive and V-moders). But as time has gone by, I realize that new players would NEVER be able to catch up to us in front, so they'll never start... Unless of cause there were some "dumb" bots to farm. I also realize that if there were bots for the smaller players to farm, perhaps not so many would have quit? In my original suggestion I suggested that the bots should grow up to 100.00…

  • Sitting function

    Molle - - Suggestions


    Not to make commercial for another game, but there is another game out there, who sort of resembles Ogame quite a lot. Bots games came out around the same time too. The other game is called Tribal Wars. And while Tribal Wars has a lot of personal settings in the game, Ogame has close to none. In short, Ogame can learn a lot from Tribal Wars. Here is ONE of these things. While sitting others in Ogame is technically legal, one always feel looked ill upon when doing so. One might contact GO (as one…

  • What does this mean? That it won't be implemented?

  • "Global" Dark Matter

    Molle - - Suggestions


    Same problem as the scenario I listed, so same solution should work

  • New server type - "Olympics for Ogame"

    Molle - - Suggestions


    Observation: There has been an inflation of new servers popping up with shorter and shorter interval. Observation: There has been an inflation in uni speeds. New universes have a tendency to go faster than the previous ones. Observation: People are mad that a few selected people can drop thousands of dollars per month to win the game. Observation: All this things put together is killing Ogame, one community at a time. I would love for GF to NOT start a new server for some time, and when they do,…

  • "Global" Dark Matter

    Molle - - Suggestions


    Quote from Charlie: “Quote from TGWo: “Important is that this function is only about bought DM , and not about found, or other way not using money ” Totally agree with you. It should be an advantage for DM buyers, which allows you to spend it in whatever universe you are playing. But for found DM (Expedition, Event and also coupons) should be exclusively for the universe you got / redeem that DM. ” You are 100% right, I could not have said it better myself. However, there are things you'd have t…

  • Moon Mining Rig

    Molle - - Suggestions


    I'm pretty sure that was not what my Google Sheet told me. But assuming YOUR math is right then I'm all for it

  • Moon Mining Rig

    Molle - - Suggestions


    I sort of like the idea, but there is NO WAY it's going to happen the way you proposed it. The biggest possible moon in the game will by you'r formula give 909.312 DM per day (at lvl 1), now imagine having 12 moons!! NO WAY will GF allow this! There might be a chance if your mine would produce 1-5% of what you suggest. But chances would be slim at best. I do like the relative long construction time. It's a lunar building and should take quite some time to complete.

  • I actually like the idea, just not sure if it might be the official Ogame team who should be the ones doing it? I don't care if it is the Ogame team or the AGO team who does it. If the idea got implemented I'd like it

  • I think what LaNceLoT means is that the tooltip appears "too quickly" in the way that if the mouse hovers for just a milisec, then the tooltip appears, blocking other functions. At least I have found that annoying, but I'm not sure if this is the case with LaNceLoT?

  • Now I know that ETA's are just somewhat guesswork. But can anyone from the team give some kind of timeframe in which it's expected to be implemented? I know the code will have to be made first and all that, but can some one come with a relatively qualified guess? And plz don't say "Before Christmas... (2027)"

  • The name of the current building is already shown. In the settings one could "toggle" between the time remaining or having the current building being built shown.

  • If they could make this work while still looking nice I'd be all for this idea!

  • "Global" Dark Matter

    Molle - - Suggestions


    Now, I'm not 100% sure how the Lobby are going to work. But one of the things I seem to have figured out is that there will be a "Global" login, one email address and password will allow access to one account, but in multiple universes. Can one assume that Dark Matter purchased will also be "Global"? So DM bought in one universe will be available in another? If not, it's herby suggested. Along with the DM log book. I generally believe that one have the right to know how DM is spend on an account…