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  • New Account Error

    Silerra - - Bugs & Questions


    I become somtimes an another message: "TopRaider Error : ERROR Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)40" What's broken?

  • New Account Error

    Silerra - - Bugs & Questions


    Hi, is the server overloaded? I often become the error message "TopRaider Error : New account created :  [err10]". But it's allways the same account. I have the problem through script and sometime on the page directly. What is currently the state of affairs? Greetings Silerra

  • I found a similar weird thing. Probably of the same origin. I can take as building a geologist, engineer and command staff instead of metal, crystal and deuterium. I use Firefox.

  • Hi, I have found a bug: When I delete my main planet, then InfoCompte also deletes the data and configuration for this uni. Btw. InfoCompte doesn't work cleanly on empire view. This breaks the fleet calculation and show the negative points about fleet/def. Greetings Silerra