Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • Quote from Wiki: “. En fonction de la quantité de défense qui a été construite, un joueur peut défendre plus ou moins de ressources vis-à-vis à d'autres joueurs, puisqu’une grosse défense rend les attaques d'autres joueurs non profitables. ” Mistake Quote from Wiki: “Il y a cependant certains joueurs qui s’attaquent systématiquement aux planètes fortement défendues, également appelées bunkers. ” No s'attaquent , but attaquent only. Mistake After that, Crystal = Cristal / Hull = Coque / Sheild = …

  • Quote from Wiki: “L'objectif de ce tutoriel n'est pas de remplacer celui que vous aurez surement remarqué dans le jeu, mais d'être complémentaire à celui-ci. ” (Mistake) Quote from Wiki: “Cependant, OGame ne nécessite pas l'installation des logiciels supplémentaires et vous pourrez jouer à OGame depuis n'importe quel ordinateur ou appareil portable muni d'une connexion et d'un navigateur internet. ” (Many players play on their phone) The person made an excellant work of translation!

  • 1. General information about colonising The first step to colonise a new planet is to get a colony ship. To see what you need to build it, click the colony ship (located in the shipyard), and then the techtree button. For build the colony ship you need Shipyard 4 and Impulse Drive 3. For details, click the question mark under the picture of the colony ship. Same goes for every other ship/defence/building you're viewing. You need also astrophysics technologie. The number of colony = (Astrophysics…

  • Oups... my fault. I correct my error... EDIT : DONE

  • UPDATE - Modification Officers - Add event merchant - Modification relocated - Add field item

  • Thank you kfg! Update!

  • Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology astrophysical. This technology help to have more colonies, but also, make expeditions. You can send fleets on the position 16 for have positives things... or negatives things. The size of the fleets makes a different. Here the details. First, to be able to make an expedition, you need to have astrophysical. The number of expedition depends of this technology. Here the formula: Number of expeditions = RootSquare(Astrophysical). So, the number of e…

  • I said 2 events in three years. If you said they are more than 2 universes, I believe you But, I didn't see a universes short and we small price.. we will see on the contest !

  • Néné, I awnser the same thing on the board .FR . How many, universe did you see with limited time contest. In 3 years on the community of .FR, only 2. Both of them, they have a huge price (Around 500-600 euro). Jupiter Ascending is a normal universe. If really a person want to spend a lot and a lot of cash on this contest, we cannot block him.. but I'm agree with my Valent, I don't think a person will buy over 25 euro of DM.