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  • Maximum number of expeditions was being limited by maximum number of fleets (4), my apologies. (Hidden Content) Regards, Arzorth

  • Amazing script, that's what I was looking for. If you allow me one suggestion, I would improve the design of the table (something closer than AGO table) but in functionality its perfect, if I find any trouble/bug, i will report it. =) Regards, Arzorth Edit: may you add the option "Sort by: Profits/Hour"? Thanks! Edit2: when you spy a planet twice, script should replace oldest report with the new one in the internal list. Or at least, there should be an option to choose if you want to allow the s…

  • Error using collect routine

    Arzorth - - Bugs & questions


    Ideal use of Collect routine function is just press enter 3 times per planet and after a few seconds all planets will be transporting to a selected one. Problem is that sometimes it does not load resources properly, it select less ships than needed and in Fleet 3 page the SEND FLEET button becomes orange, forcing the user to go back to Fleet I and select the proper number of ships (normally pressing enter again in Fleet I solves the problem). Regards, Arzorth

  • In the espionage page, when clicking more than one A buttons while pressing control (to open them in a new tab remaining in current tab) sometimes the first attack is selected to go in transport instead of attack. This forces the user to click in the Attack button in Fleet III page, not allowing him just to press enter 3 times (if you do that, the attack will be a transport). Regards, Arzorth

  • Maybe the price could be "less probability" instead of "less fields". Maybe all positions could have the same maximum number of fields but different probabilities. External planets may have a "ridiculous" probability but the possibility to have a great planet. Regards, Arzorth

  • Nice hard question =) I like those kind of challenges. Arzorth

  • I bring some experiences in expos sent in universes where top1 has less than 10.000 points. I confirm that limit exists and it is 200 EP, the probe is the following: I have sent an expedition with 8 Small Cargoes, 1 Heavy Fighter and 1 Espionage Probe, which add 215 Expedition Points and I've gotten 2.800 Metal. As we know, metal prizes are even numbers between 10 and 200 multiplied by the EP of the fleet we send. For example: If you send 500 EP, you can get: 10 * 500 = 5.000 12 * 500 = 6.000 14…

  • It may be useful to be able to select the new target of the Routine Collect in the Fleet Page 1 instead of have to do in the option panel. Regards, Arzorth

  • When a planet has more resources than you can transport, you still can use the Collect Routine by double clicking in its icon, but it selects the moon of the planet where you are as target instead of the actual target configured. Regards, Arzorth

  • Wrong cargos on expos

    Arzorth - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    hi? is it possible a solution? Arzorth

  • Wrong cargos on expos

    Arzorth - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    The espionage probes are not taken into account to calculate the amount of cargoes. 1.231 SC are 24.620 EP 1 Probe is 5 EP 1 Bomber is 375 EP It all adds 25.000 EP but AGO takes 1.232 SC instead of 1.231. Regards, Arzorth

  • 38ij.png The script doesn't show those images properly. EDIT: Using Firefox. Arzorth

  • AGO/Panel - Default unit abbreviations

    Arzorth - - Archive


    right, I will keep using the k =) Arzorth

  • AGO/Panel - Default unit abbreviations

    Arzorth - - Archive


    yes, k works, and kk sets 6 zeros, I mean add in options: Calculator Units: -u (or nothing), units. -k, thousandas (kilo). -M, millions (Mega). -G, billions (Giga). I'm thinking it could be useful implement the "G" in other contexts too. Arzorth

  • AGO/Panel - Default unit abbreviations

    Arzorth - - Archive


    To establish default units, for example: If I choose M (millions), when I type in the Calculator 50 - 30 - 10, it shows 50M - 30M - 10M and automaticaly calculates the needed ships to send (50 + 30 + 10) * 10^6 = 90.000.000 resources. It could help us to not have to type lots of zeros. =) Arzorth

  • god... you're right I can't believe I didn't realize... sorry, and thank you =) Arzorth

  • Yep, but it can't be very complicated, you can just add an scroll menu that says: What to do when using routine shortcuts?: -Send routine. -Set default routine. -Both. I know you can use Last Routine, but it sends the expeditions to the coordinates used in the last expedition, and people normally send expos to the same coords that the planet. Arzorth

  • Sure but it's not permanent, you must press E every time you whant to sent an expedition, or make expeditions the default routine by clicking in the InfoPanel. What I mean is that default routine changes permanently by pressing E, untill you use another shortcut (or make another routine the default one). I'm sorry if I didn't explain myself very well. Arzorth

  • AGO/Panel - change Routine + Shortcuts

    Arzorth - - Archive


    It could be nice to do an option that allows users to change the default routine by using the shortcurts. I mean, I'm using Routine Collect, but i whant to sent my expeditions, I press "E"+Enter+Enter and in the next planet y don't need to press "E" again, just Enter+Enter+Enter. I think it can be easy to implement and usefull for users =) Arzorth

  • Fleet - Deathstars in Calculator

    Arzorth - - Archive


    People ask me if it would be possible to set again RIP in calculator, in the same way that SC, LC and Recs. In old (and faster) universes people use RIP's to transport huge quantities of resources in order to save Deuterium. Arzorth