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To be honest you're looking only at attackers, but for example you could use whs for ninjas, for transports. And if you know that a wh can pop wherever at the relog you should be careful if you already know that you can't check because you're sleeping. Maybe if you want to add a limit you can relate whs to the hyperspatial tecnology. For example every 4 levels of hyperspatial tecnology let you take a wh. So with Hyper tecnology 8 you can take a wh twice. To be honest I don't like limits so much …
Nowadays there are less players compared to the past, there are so many galaxies empty (ex. g5-g6-g7) with lonely players, there are players who relocate all their planets in remote galaxies (I like circular galaxies but probably is not enough) and so on. So my mind started thinking to a new way to create content and wake up players: wormholes. Basicaly wormholes are well related to space games and since Ogame is a space game... it sounds perfect. This is my idea: Wormholes appear randomly every…