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  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    NikeJoshua - - OGame API


    My application was made December 4th... I can understand people have other things to do, but 2.5 months is a bit over the top, wouldn't you say? Worst of all, this is only for a simple key generation. That key supposedly then only works for the test uni, after which GF needs to examine and validate your tool. How long will that process take? 5 years? Anyways, my patience has reached its end, you can remove my name from the list. I'm sure it'll lighten whoever's doing this key generation's worklo…

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    NikeJoshua - - OGame API


    I'm a bit late to the party, but my old alliance mates requested an update of my conversion tools: A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update. Updating my CR/IPM converters: And backup server: A short description of your developer / programming experience Hobbyist programmer for over 2…

  • Discussion about merging universes

    NikeJoshua - - Spam


    From .org boards: Quote from bibob: “My german acc got merged today. All planets except 1 kept their coords, and that one moved from 9:973:4 to 9:271:5^^ Before the merge my 1-year-vac-mode-acc was #55 of 700something with 11 million points, currently i'm 797 of 3500....haven't seen 4-digit-playernumbers since ages xD” Quote from bibob: “One couldn't deactivated vac-mode in the target-unis, but that got fixed within hours ^^”

  • This interview talks pretty much exclusively about the fleet escape. While that was indeed the first concern when this idea was introduced, it has since been nerfed to a level that is pretty much trivial for established uni's. However, this interview completely ignores the current most protested issue (at least on .org, don't know for other communities), which is the honor system, and its effect on established uni's. Any chance of getting WeTeHa's views on that?

  • Discussion about merging universes

    NikeJoshua - - Spam


    About the use of an existing universe as Target universe instead of an empty one, i made a post on .org a long time ago already, which was pretty much verified to be correct: Quote from NikeJoshua: “From a business point of view, using an existing universe makes way more sense than using an empty one, so GF will never change that decision. The reason for this is they have to repay all existing bought DM on the accounts that get deleted. True it's only in coupons, but this will still result in so…