Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Where are you from?

    PaGoS - - General


    Quote from KK Sigmund Freud: “ ” Quote from KK Sigmund Freud: “also my english langues is not very good” Mee too

  • Arrange the numbers 1-5-6-7 in a aquation to make 21. Each number must be used to only once and four operations.

  • Funny / Amazing Videos!

    PaGoS - - General


    i laugh very loudly this videos. I remember a episode in dexter and Nitojen Power Liquid Nitrogen

  • Where are you from?

    PaGoS - - General


    Quote from KK Sigmund Freud: “I from in Turkey :)” which district are you? My best friend from Kula. He says Kula's human is a satan

  • Quote from JJMonti: “Who answer correctly (confirmed by the author) will ask another question. ______________________________________________________________ If 8809 = 6 7111 = 0 2172 = 0 6666 = 4 1111 = 0 3213 = 0 7662 = 2 9312 = 1 then ... 9881 = ? ” we must create a frequency table 0-1-2-3-6-7-8-9 1-0-0-0-1-0-2-1 and 9881 = 1+2+2+0 = 5

  • Where are you from?

    PaGoS - - General


    Quote from FORCASTR: “Quote from PaGoS: “Hi everybody. İ'm from Turkey” Hi , glad to see another Turkish player at board :)” Mee too i randomly found this board. Are u playing another server ?

  • Where are you from?

    PaGoS - - General


    Hi everybody. İ'm from Turkey