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  • Guide 00 - Universum gids

    Rdet - - NL - Dutch


    Onderhanden, ondermeer aanpassen aan 6.2.0 Guide 00: Universe guide OGame kent verschillende type universa en geeft daarmee spelers de mogelijkheid een universum te kiezen met instellingen, die het best bij hun speelstijl past. De instellingen van de universa zijn te zien op de inlog-pagina. Sommige universa zijn ouder met sterke spelers in het bezit van grote vloten en verdediging, ook vind je er vele inactieve accounts, die een goede bron van inkomsten vormen voor een toegewijde farmer. Het is…

  • Quote from RiV-: “With small letters and a . at the end ?” All abbrevations have a . at the end in Dutch. A capital is used only when the original word is written with a capital. Like at the beginning of a sentence.

  • Quote from CID: “The use of Premium features (Dark Matter or DM) may give you an advantage in the first days in a new universe. More information how to use the Premium features is given in the tutorial: Premium features” Depending how the Premium features are used, makes an advantage possible, so may instead of will. Added "in a new universe." The Premium", since the Premium features don't give much advantage in older universes.

  • == Premium features == The use of Premium features (Dark Matter or DM) can give you a head-start in a just started universe. More information how to use the Premium features is given in the tutorial: Premium features

  • Quote from Santa: “If I've understood correctly it has to do with the differences of the game rules (Bashing etc)? I added in the bottom how I think it could be explained” Yep, that is exactly what a meant.

  • OGame has 2 types of universes, Normal or Standard and Special universes. The combination of features determines the setting of a universe, allowing you to select the universe which fits you best. You can see the distinctions of the universes on the homepage. Refreshed the sentences and moved up the part about types of universes. There are only 2 types, the others mentioned types are only variations of the special universe. Changed login page to homepage. The page isn't the login page, but also …

  • Discarding the Turtle guide, makes some adaptations necessary in the Player style guide. The Turtle style can be mentioned in the Mining guide, as an extreme way of mining.

  • Tutorial 05: Ships

    Rdet - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    Quote from Valent: “after you research impulse 17 and later hyperspace drive 15” Should it not be "after you research impulse 17 or hyperspace drive 15", impulse 17 can be skipped, you don't have to research impulse first.

  • Quote from Valent: “Quoted Combustion Drive Light Fighters, Espionage Probes, Recyclers and Small (until you research Impulse Drive level 5) and Large Cargoes fly with Combustion Drive. Every level of the research heightens is increasing the basic base speed of those ships by 10%. Each level will add 10% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships. Impulse Drive This research speeds up Heavy Fighters, Colony Ships, Cruisers, Bombers (until you research Hyperspace Drive level 8 ), Recy…

  • Quote from Bigbonedmutt: “I know you can't go into Vacation Mode while an Attack is engaged” An incoming attack will not stop you to go in vacation-mode. Only your own flying fleets will prevent you to go in vacation-mode.

  • Quote from JoKy: “Such event will then be available for ALL.” What is wrong with an event that will be available for all? For years we see events and updates for the happy few. Quote from JoKy: “chaos and also bad mood in some comunitie parts. ” Chaos and bad mood is caused by unwanted updates en bugged merges, an event from which anyone can profit will not cause chaos en bad moods. All players with pre-redesign accounts have big planets, those are also the players who profit most from the updat…

  • Quote from Valent: “Dens: Every resource receives an underground hiding place, which in view of the planets are not visible, but also needs a construction lot. The den can secure a small portion of your existing resources automatically against a raid. In the espionage report the den and your protected resources are not visible. This way you still can get what you noticed in a report.” Dens: You can hide a small portion of your resources in an underground hiding place, The Den. The den is automat…

  • The misuse of features will always be part of the game. Every new feature will bring new ways to cheat. As Valent stated we cannot block everything. Just like the other ways of pushing we will have to prove it within the limits of the AT.

  • Moonshots and ingeneer

    Rdet - - Archive - Suggestions


    An idea original presented by Fresh at the Dutch board.…eur-s-opties/#post3229168 (Hidden Content) Modular engineering options As Admiraal gives a 1:3 fleet-escape ratio, till 500k points, has the Engineer a 50% defence rebuild. I would like to have the opportunity, like the radio-buttons at the Adimiral, similar buttons to set the rebuild ratio's for the defences. Certainly in a def->debris universe is it a tactical disadvantage to have Engineer and trying to get …

  • 1 unit per hour isn't an amount that will make users happy. It's maybe a better idea to link a small amount of dm to being active. Rewards for days being active in a row. Day 1-3 DM 0 Day 4 DM 50 Day 5 DM 100 Day 6 DM 150 Day 7 DM 300 Day 8 DM 600 Day 9 DM 1.000 Day 10 DM 1.300 Total 3.500 DM, a usable amount. After day 10 the whole cycle starts over again.

  • 35 days inactive & MO

    Rdet - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from JoKy: “Idea is not new but many problems” The idea may be old, but I'm new on this board. Problems are there to be solved. Quote from JoKy: “You will lose all your planetpositions, cause other players colonize your positions. Some players spend DM to get those positions. There are still complains during migration for that part from players. ” Those complains come from users, who are active players. I don't believe there will be many complaints from the inactive users, some of them are…

  • 35 days inactive & MO

    Rdet - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Other games have something like a "ghosting system". Inactive accounts are removed from the game, until the users will be active again. Maybe something like this can be implemented in OGame. An account in v-mode and with paid DM will be ghosted after 35 days. - While in ghosting stage, the colony placements become empty in universe view. Other players can colonise them. - Once a player re-logs, his colonies will re-appear back in the galaxies they used to be on. Should there be no room in a gala…