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Search results 1-13 of 13.

  • Empire view is NOT reloading my antigame "you must go though these pages" Listen, i am NOT knocking you guys in the least. I applaud and appreciate your efforts. I would also like to say i have NO CLUE about anything to do with writing computer code. So bare with me here. Can you explain how/why every time you guys update AGO it seems to well screw up myriad other things that i don`t think you were even changing. It seems to be a process where you implement the changes you were after, then it ta…

  • thanks for the ever so short and vague answers. I have no clue what that means. I click the chrome link and well see a picture of ogame and ago app.

  • i am running Chrome and cannot get to AGO homepage to even get the update. My fleets in motion isn`t showing fleets/resources / etc just back to old school look

  • When you launch missile attacks, you can`t see how many you launched in Fleet Movements page. When attacking a target from multiple planets and or even one planet and it takes several launchings, it would be nice to be able to count up what missiles you have sent.

  • In one universe my espionage reports have and (S ) button leading me to SpeedSim. In another i have TrashSim icon. I prefer Speedsim, but cannot figure out how to set AGO to make Speedsim appear in espy reports. Can anybody tell me how to do this?

  • I got messing around lowering my fusion reactors to adjust to having officers again. When you turn down a reactor and click recalculate, nothing happens to total energy. You have to exit resource settings and then go back in.

  • i don`t know how hard this would be to implement. When you are say scanning inactives and are in Galaxie View there is an event timer above middle of screen which shows coordinates you are at. Well as long as you stay in Galxie view that timer never refreshes when current event ends. It`s kind of frustrating once you fill all your fleet slots sitting there waiting for probes to return so you can continue on up or down the galaxie.

  • I`m not sure what the longer planet list is for, but i lost the abilty to have moons on the right/large active area. I sure hope it becomes available with update. Also, you loose the down planet/moon buttons with moons under/on left

  • Planet list is superimposed

    islandwoodsie - - Archive


    In main view the Planet stack names are superimposed over coordinates. 284b15ad32c5b870244cffabf643c855.png I`m sure somebody reported this already or you know about it. Is there a update of AGO i am not aware of?

  • The LAST buttons

    islandwoodsie - - Bugs & questions


    ohh ok so, if i put all those buttons on show, it does not lock any of those buttons ON ? Sweet, thanks

  • The LAST buttons

    islandwoodsie - - Bugs & questions


    so? what? if you click and save SHOW it does not lock buttons on? If so, thats great and thank you very much for your response. But how /why in the world would you name it SHOW? I don`t know how a person would be able to understand what that means. ( at least, to me it doesn`t make sense )

  • The LAST buttons

    islandwoodsie - - Bugs & questions


    ok this link you sent me. Is that supposed to explain something to me? show? show --- WHAT ?????

  • The LAST buttons

    islandwoodsie - - Bugs & questions


    Shole , 1st of all i`d like to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. 2nd, i am not good at forum posting. I hope to God i am in the right place 3rdly I have a request. I love the last buttons (i call them anyways) When you use say the auto load button for expeditions. It STAYS locked on untill you deactivate it. Same seems to apply to all those buttons. Is it not possible to make those a ONE Time use. It aggrevates the heck out of me to find i have just wasted 100,000,000 duet sending…