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Search results 1-20 of 44.

  • Where are you from?

    Asto Vidatu - - General


    Quote from frikin: “ Quoted from "Asto Vidatu" could it be that im the 1st one from Serbia? Serbia here.Come join us.SRB-SERBIA ” thanks man but im already in an ally full of old friends :D

  • yep..i love this thanks for all the trouble mate!

  • What level are your mines?

    Asto Vidatu - - General


    Quote from totalanihilation: “13 11 8 15 at what time do the ranks/points refresh every day dont want to start a new tread just for this)” should be at 8:00 16:00 00:00 so every 8 hours give or take a few minutes

  • What level are your mines?

    Asto Vidatu - - General


    its a bit early..but who cares 12-11-6-13

  • Where are you from?

    Asto Vidatu - - General


    could it be that im the 1st one from Serbia?

  • same thing here with a bit more than 10 posts i might add : P

  • Flashbacks

    Asto Vidatu - - General


    getting the gravitons for the 1st time then building a deathstar just to see it smashed overnight :C

  • What are you building?

    Asto Vidatu - - General


    first of all i just want to say that im really really REALLY happy that we finally got our retro uni and im really impressed with the number of players hopefully we have fun time playing it as for this thread..just one for us spammers impulse 3 otw new i come

  • thanks iguypouf! .fr, .org is also tired of the constant fight against bad "improvements" that we get with the explanation its for the benefit of new ppl/its the best option/it has to be like that etc theres only few of us left that are trying to slap the nonsense out of GF but all the time we get blocked by the stuff and it begs the question if you guys are just doing your job or youre blindly defending something that you actually beleieve in

  • @WeTeHa i wont go into details as to why i, and 90 % of the .org, think that having a pillory is necessary or maybe i will for one..i do not want to be called a cheater [now that the pillory is imaginable] for doing a bashing and you see..right the visible pillory lies a difference between cheaters and those who make mistakes i even know game stuff that ended up on pillory how would you feel if your ticked was handled by a GO who has been on a pillory? i wouldnt want to deal with that …

  • that cuz of the white color? on .org im using the old ogame desing for the board so its quite visible but i`ll type like this np aside from that..i think you understand what im saying maybe the number is high..could be 1-2 players and not 10-20 but my point is that there has to be some communication between the decision makers and players and so far..for the past yearS there is none this is my solution to it..and i think it could work and save..maybe even bring more players to the ogame…

  • i am posting here because my suggestion for this to work should be on global level and not just on .org i think ive explained why in the 1st post yes i am refering to the pillory removal why do i need it? i need it so I, as a player, can distinguish the scum of the earth thats playing ogame from few that make honest mistakes. and that right here..whether you like it or not..IS the real need to have a [visible] pillory say too many players [opinions]? why? because someone is lazy to make …

  • so..with the recent update..i wont comment much..anyways im 110 % sure this wont work but its officially my last try to reason the GF what im suggesting is..make some sort of an [un]official player team collect 10-20 players per domain..that have been here for x years may it be since 2005 or since redesign..but those that actually play the game and for every stupid update you think of..1st consult them then go with the 51 % of the votes and do this for every other domain there is im sure players…


    Asto Vidatu - - Archive - Suggestions


    thanks Valent..i hope SUCO takes my suggestion into consideration the problem is that if wasat or jupiter get moved to uni30 or nekkar they lose their characteristics which means less players..since jupiter is 60 % df..only way for it to not lose is to move to wasat cuz is wasat gets moved to jupi it loses 10 % df and that 4x economy seems like a common sense to me..cant wait to see what will happen :D


    Asto Vidatu - - Archive - Suggestions


    so..v 6.0 is almost out on all communities and GF said theyll plan a merge afterwards figured id update this here are the old numbers: Quote from Asto Vidatu: “Jupiter --->> x 2 , 60 % df Nekkar --->> x 2, 30 % df Wasat --->> x 2, x 4 economy etc, 70 % df uni 30 --->> x 2, 30 % df” Quote from Asto Vidatu: “Jupiter active - 301 Nekkar active - 335 Wasat active - 422 uni 30 active - 172” the characteristicss are ofc the same lol but the activity: Jupiter active --->> 229 Nekkar active --->> 246 Wa…

  • hey Vulca awesome job i really love it! but i have one question..would it be possible for topraider to have like 2 types? for a miner and for a fleeter i as a miner rarely use my fleet and when i use it cuz of the size of it the deut bill is not bigger than 2m and i almost never steal DFs so im wondering..would it be possible for me as a miner to disable that "Add stolen DF or RIP lost and IPM" part its no biggie if its not possible but i figured id ask other than works PERFECT!

  • thanks for the official answer Danimanza

  • i`ll just copy what i said on .org Quote: “i gotta ask..are you guys really surprised? ofc they`ll allow buying DM..its how they earn (more) money from (extremely) stupid ppl to be honest i prefer that Halloween least they got iPads and somewhat expensive stuff ofc..if they remove dm buying i`ll join will be just a waste of time if not..rename this into international deep-pocket championship cuz dm and skill are totally two different things but..since they 'need' money so…

  • its all good and detailed upthere but why not add a small paragraph with mixed types? for exaple im a miner and a raider we`ve all seen miner-turtles and turtled fleeters i mean these new guides are awesome and it will help new players ALOT! so im not sure how detailed are we maybe we should let em find something on their own but on the other hand it might be good for miners to have like planets in 4 galaxys..maybe 2 in each galaxy (same system cuz of deploy) variations like that?