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  • RoLUE - The Republic of LUE

    Saint - - Diplomacy


    LUE42 gents we are teh awesome

  • @gameforge please give me the ability to look through messages again. No page system to check old messages or tab over to new messages is so unbelievably miserable, im getting a headache now I cannot immagine how bad its going to be once I start seriously hunting. Also any plans to give us battlecruisers? And if not can we give esp probes attack power and cargohold again like in the oldddd days?

  • Been playing eve since .org died, out of game for some time now. Buddies poked me on fb with a HOLY SHIT SAINT YOU WONT BELEIVE!!! kinda poke, thought nahhhh no chance in hell. Poked my head into here and oh dear god, Ocrack is back. Im not going to be sleeping anymore. Whats up Univ 1 brothers and sisters. Anyone else have any badass welcome back to ocrack stories? -Saint