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PostI like the idea. Its usefull and becames more organized specially for active universes.
CR - moon chance
Anakin - - In development
PostHiho! So, the suggestion is to add the % of moon chance to the converted report. Don't know if its better to be permanent or optional, but it's a information usefull for some CR/HoF board rules.
One or other. If it will be on the report there's no need to be on the title. If will be on the title, with the option to have that information but still the total loss too.
Hello! At the moment the moon chance is only add if we check the box 'Use hypothetical moon chance in title:' but this erase the total loss information from the title. Is there any way to keep both informations on the title? Or to add the moon chance information to the converted code? Thanks in advance!