Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 324.

  • OGame Country Names

    TheViking - - Projects Translations


    Added newest translations and updated the git repository.

  • OGame Country Names

    TheViking - - Projects Translations


    Thanks for adding the ba one. Its missing in the dropdown thats correct.

  • OGame API

    TheViking - - OGame API


    That will be a huge count of requests for sure and i think it depends on how often you want to access that stuff. So maybe some more details could be useful to help you out with an answer.

  • OGame Country Names

    TheViking - - Projects Translations


    Added. Thank you.

  • OGame Country Names

    TheViking - - Projects Translations


    Wow. That was fast.

  • OGame Country Names

    TheViking - - Projects Translations


    Hi together, I had to deal with the country names of the ogame communities for a private project and thought that it would be a nice idea to have them localized in all 27 languages. I have startet with english and german now. Base template: (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) Also available on GitHub now:…

  • Thanks. I didnt test that atm.

  • Hi, I wanted to look at the statistics data for the current active eventservers, but i am not able to fetch the data. There is an 4003 result -> INVALID_API_PERMISSION Afaik NoMoreAngel has this error too. Could the permisison be added there please?

  • Fleet is hanging again

    TheViking - - Archive


    Should be working again already for a while now.

  • The problem with a countdown is, that you cant colonize in a effictive way anymore. You would have to wait until the countdown ran out for the next colony.

  • So for the first case i dont see the benefit. If you want to delete a Moon or Planet you have to enter your password. There is a two step process for deleting. I cant imagine how you can delete your colonys by accident with this feature. There is simply no "oops i pushed the button" The second case is a bit different. You dont have any influence when someone else does "the work". Thats true. But maybe something like a "sitting mode" would be a more holistic problem-solving approach. I think ther…

  • Startpage update

    TheViking - - Test Server


    Hi again, We got several reportings of "strange bugs" and i was asked to clarify this a bit. In most cases of current strange behaviour (according to this update) the reason will be one or more add-on you are using. Most of the currently existing add-ons dont support SSL, which is forced within the current start page update. If you think you have found a bug pls check twice, if it still occurs with all add-ons deactivated. Several of the current bug reports could be traced back to outdated and s…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    TheViking - - General


    Retro Server: Official Rules This Thread includes all Game Rules, Clarifications and Addons valid at OGame Retro Server starting as of 1st June 2016. The following points are valid for this special universe. The rules should permit all players to enjoy a fair gameplay within the Retro Server. Note that complaints and inquires regarding particular accounts will only be disclosed to their owners for privacy reasons. Ingame Rules and Clarifications: - 1. Accounts - 2. Multi Accounts - 3. Account Si…

  • The Original Origin™ Spam thread

    TheViking - - Spam


    Spamming is war!

  • RSS Feed

    TheViking - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hello, There were different reasons for disabling it, but no known details. And additionally there is no decision if the RSS Feed will get enabled again in the future. We cant tell you more than already written in the News. Best Regards TheViking

  • Deactivation of the RSS Option

    TheViking - - OGame


    The option should be removed now, after the deactivation has been postponed for some days. Best Regards from your Origin Team

  • Vulca is wrong here. Its the second thing you wrote.

  • Deactivation of the RSS Option

    TheViking - - OGame


    Dear Users, Tomorrow we will remove the option of using the RSS feed from the game. This decision is made due to several reasons. For example many complains and overusing from different people. Currently there is no decision if it will come back in a later point. Best Regards from your Origin Team

  • Hi again. I have talked to some people now and we want try to improve some of the thigns step by step. It would be great if we could meet in IRC in the nearer future together with my helpers for this topic. Just write me here or in a PM when you could be available. That would be great. Best Regards TheViking