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Search results 1-20 of 59.

  • Hungarian Localization Team

    PETI258 - - HU - Hungarian


    Here you can find the current Hungarian translators. Lent látható a jelenlegi Magyar fordító csapat. PETI258 (Representative) Norand (Helper)

  • Quote from JoKy: “ Let me fill out the OGame classic bingo to finish this idea: All like this idea All my friends like this All my allymates All those, who i asked Please do something for players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 Feature is accepted in a different way for sure. Can´t say more LG ” I just hope that you are going to implement it soon not as the alliance "stuff" that I heard in 2012.

  • Inactivity notification

    PETI258 - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think there is a lot of threads and complains about the inactivity system and how they work but actually my biggest problem is that the users don't get any notification that their account is going to be deleted. So my suggestion: If gf can spend resources developing Ogame Api then I think 1 to 3 e-mails could be send to users before deletion (7, 3 and 1 day before). (You alredy got the registration just copy it and set an IF)

  • Quote from kfg: “Please provide the diameter in km too. This way, we can check whether the formula for planet sizes has been changed or the diameters themselves have been increased. Thank you! kfg” You can get the diameter by multiple the space by 1.000.000 and radical it. For example: 143 143.000.000^(1/2)=11.598km (or close to it). And I am pretty sure to check the formula you only need numbers that are the lowest and the highest.

  • Quote from brutus: “Hi, I have the same problem. 12 unread messages and the tap didnt open it just loading and loading... Addons have i stopped and i try other browsers cookies and charge are deleted” It worked for me yesterday but after activating vacation it's bugged for me too.

  • Vacation still no fix

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    [ support ] Vacation resets queue I still have this issue. Lost all the prepaid ships and the research matterial after activating vacation.

  • I just checked a the moon destruction stuff. I found one probably "bug" and a text that needs an upgrade. So the bug: I was able to start Moon destruction missions to an already destoyed moon. (attached pic tried on other moon too) The text: "Your fleet from Moon [1:3:4] has arrived on the moon of the planet on DoNOTAttack [1:5:5]. The weapons of the deathstar fire an alternating graviton shock at the moon, building up to a massive quake and finally tearing the satellite apart. All buildings on …

  • Chat options

    PETI258 - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from JoKy: “Maybe we can attach this to the commander :)” That would be nice

  • Chat options

    PETI258 - - Archive - Suggestions


    Currently I am giving away a lot of resources but it's hard for me to follow them at all. So let me show you what I see (attached picture). I usually start answering with the last 'new' message but when I do that it's autamaticly pops up front. So why it has to be int the front while I still have unread messages and I just answered that. Also usually I get 1-2 reply when I am taking care of the old ones and it's just goes at the middle of my answered chat. So my suggestion is to set some order h…

  • I had 3 buddy request after I accepted the first (voodox) the page just refreshed but I still had the request. I accepted the second one and it worked as it should be. But I still have the first one and I realised that appeared on friends too.

  • Moon spaces

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from JoKy: “That behavior was removed in year 2007 ^^” Yeah playing since then but never heard of the remove. Ok so no bug

  • Moon spaces

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I am not sure that is still in the game but if I am correct the moons had a maximum spces as well as the planets. My 5.385km moon should have max 28 or 29 spaces but could build 30 building on it.

  • Vacation resets queue

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from Danimanza: “Did you remove the v-mode to be sure that all of that queues dissapeared?” Yes. Also put myself in vacation again to check it for sure.

  • Vacation resets queue

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I set vacation yesterday and lost all the building, reserch and fleets that were building. On the other hand finally I don't have to wait 33 weeks to finish those solars I have put it in. I may suggest to limit the amount of ships, defences can put on the list as the buildings and reserches I am thinking around 10-50 max. So that way nobody could have a very long list. I am not sure about the resources but probably it did not give it back. Also a feature would be nice to change the order of the …


    PETI258 - - Archive - Suggestions


    The merge is complex and I have no visibility into but as far as I know Gf don't really care about those special universes and other players just the hard statistics. For us (.hu) it was this: First period: Uni 2, 3, 4, 5 can go to Uni 1 or Uni 6 (x2 speed). Second: Uni 1, 6, 7 can go to Andro (20 place only) and the rest had to go too Barym (70% df). So they managed to take away the double speed from players of Uni 6 and they give 70% df instead beacuse there were more players... Quote from Ast…

  • Event handler again

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    It should have happened after 2pm beacuse that time one of my fleet succesfully landed but since then it's probably broken for everybody. (Also Luni farmed the hole galaxy so you might put more farm planets for the new players)

  • If you open the chat next to the messages and you select one you have to reload the hole chat part to select an other chat partner. Can you add a back button so you could see the previous chat list? (Also I tried out on windows phone it was great altough it was a little slow when I opened espionage reports and wanted to scroll down) Edit: If the problem is considered in this section: "Private Messge List - Missing Functionality" then close it

  • I just sent a fleet and I did the necessary things in fleet movement to try the ACS attack but after I wanted to send an other fleet at fleet_page 2 I just got a blank page. I tought it's something with my browser so deleted everything but didn't help. When that mission is finished or pressed turn back button I could send fleets again checked it twice.

  • Search error box

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Changing search tabs.

  • Ok if you know the other 2 (delete and chat) as well you can close this.