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  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Quote from Rusiak: “my comment to nomoreangel wasn't in correlation to my comment to you, cano. it was about "who said retro wouldn't ever close down" ” I would to apologize.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Quote from Jango: “This could be a problem, most of us speak English. But there are some trolls who only want to read German. ” But I have no intention of writing on the forum, I just hope to find two or three allies with whom to speak in English (it should be much easier to find them Italian), and maybe a GO. Over time I probably will be able to read and understand German, but I will hardly be able to write it fluently. (I have already registered in Rhea because is recent, is x1x1, and has no s…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    I thank you @Canarefr , and I'm sure of what you say, but for me it is important to know if NoMoreAngel can say anything about this, and the current GF executive policy. German servers are still very populated and there is some future there yet. I apologize if I was exuberant, but it is to give some vitality to the forum. If the server reopens, even after a month, you have my word that I return. But about the Retro I think I read between the lines of NoMoreAngel something more. I could be wrong.…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Sorry, but I have to close a matter suspended with @Sorcy. (Hidden Content) About you, @Daidegas I can give you my advice. Do not leave the game, do not give up this joy. Simply if you believe be damaged, you are free to not buy dark matter when you play, as you are free to attack in game a player x rather than y as under contract conditions. I, as I said(again and again), am recent at this game, but certainly I'm being not lucky, but I still have confidence in a minimum of fairness, and I expli…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    All of us are grateful NoMoreAngel for having had the human pity to put an end to this situation. Sorcy I am preparing the famous answer. I apologize for this delay.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Quote from Sorcy: “How would from non-attack ban after vacation mode by your opinion get some advantage the small red one as the most disadvantaged here? ” Sorcy, I got the answer, but right now I have to go out. I will write it tonight. Sorry. Good afternoon.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Brut you're right, I answer a instant to Sorcy for our clarity and then is enough. (Hidden Content) Thanks.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Sorry, I'm trying to focus this diatribe. (Hidden Content)

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    No news from the staff (and problably from the GF). In board. from the little German I can understand (I could have understood badly), some player (and no the staff) are discussing about the necessitity of a temporary attack's block for the possible reopening in order to avoid the raids on farms if there will be the abboundance of resurseours for the note bug of deposits as the last time. Then they are discussing (still the users and no the staff) if will be more helpful reopening with V…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Thanks Jango, now I know I have to register at the german board. Anyway the important thing is that everything will be resolved. The will has been seen there.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    I remind... a silent-short-film. Oliver to Stan: "I'll play it - You might lose your other foot." "There's a right way, and a wrong way to do everything." [Disaster] "Wrong way." Should Married Men Go Home.(1928)

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    (At this point I think (you let this) it is appropriate to overdramatize it, so that after there won't be too much to laugh) Hello fellow-sufferers, it's been six days. The Cassandra Prophecy was lasting from one day ... There's too silence and the most worrying is that of the players. Staff members are back to take care of their domains of provenance. At this point, I'm sorry to say, but we are alone, here we are the only ones left and we are decreasing and the only respect leftover is among us…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    In my opinion, all things considered, this silence from the staff is positive. If there had been a big problem, they would have prepared us for the worst. If they do not participate it is probably because they themselves hope to give us happy news at any moment. At least I want to believe so.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Quote from lateamoose: “And Moonday camed and wented, and thus it were the Day of Tues and hark, nay, not a whimper from thine feudal lords on the state of thine village. Howether grow thine farm land? Willeth from whence sustainance for thy wee bairns be sought, to sustain them through thine bitter winter of discontent. Verily! Come forth and utter thine great words of fortitude and wisdom. ” << "I would fain bestow and distribute..." "Give them nothing," said the saint. "Take rather part of th…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Cano - - General


    Quote from TGWo: “And one important thing is that we have to wait a developer that find way to fix bug; maybe it request 2 hours, maybe request 2 weeks ” In my opinion it's better to wait two weeks than to play with a bug like this. We all hope of course is not required so much. The employees of GF know that these problems can happen, of course they will have the right solution, it is only a matter of time. We rightly do not know, but I'm confident that given the possible adverse situations such…

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Cano - - General


    Grazie, valide considerazioni. Certo a quel punto il terraformer ha un costo insignificante rispetto alle rispettive miniere e tutto scorre potenzialmente "quasi" all'infinito. Ora mi sono fatto un'idea precisa della situazione e so come regolarmi, nel frattempo è spuntato un altro pianeta piccolo e finalmente uno buono, a poco a poco spunteranno tutti e 8. Non che la cosa mi interessi particolarmente, ma quindi in questa versione è possibile abbandonare il pianeta madre?

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Cano - - General


    nel frattempo aggiorno, posizione 6: spazi 57, diametro 7560 km, diciamo un medio satellite; io l'ho detto ai miei esploratori che se guardano meglio dovrebbe esserci un pianeta che ci gira attorno... P.S.: errata corrige: prima volevo dire TGWo e no TWGO.

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Cano - - General


    welcome Venice to close the topic let me say that Pavarotti also included a lot of pasta and a lot of pizza. (I'm sorry if I make a mistake, but I know a bit english, so sometimes I could say one thing for another). Veniamo a noi: a due settimane dall'inizio confermo che non mi sono fatto scoraggiare dalla durezza della scalata, anzi non nego di avere un certo piacere nel potere solo salire, con la dovuta calma. Ho iniziato a fare colonie, avevo stimato dalle statistiche che nelle posizioni 4, 5…

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Cano - - General


    Tutto chiaro, grazie. Neanche io ho intenzione di fare il "sondarolo". Per adesso avrò solo il tempo di fare un po' di miniere e poi se ne parla più avanti per qualcosa di flotta. Grazie ancora.

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    Cano - - General


    Non so che dire, meglio di una guida. Siete stati generosissimi, cercherò di esserlo anche io con chi verrà dopo di me. Grazie a TGWo(ti do certamente del tu) e a Canarefr. In fondo queste cose saranno utilissime a qualunque altro italiano si troverà sul forum e che sapendo poco della versione come me le troverà già tutte scritte. Alcune cose me le stavo appunto leggendo nel forum, altre ricordo di averne sentito parlare un tempo da miei colleghi che giocavano tanti anni fa. Molte altre non le s…