Or maybe the operator would send an email to all registered accounts telling them that the server was moving again? A lot of work with it not, and how much fun it could do: P
Just leave inactive v-mode accounts, and set them so that the system does not delete them;) and that in some galaxies there are fewer such accounts, forgive ..
So it's some player who crashed the server, we are throwing the game and he is scrapping .. Ballybran [2:364:12] Anti-Ballistic Missiles 20 Interplanetary Missiles 37 Missile Silo 4 Someone Else? edit. Ddos, ddos.. my friend lose 18k lf by TURKiYE on is "ddos'
And if you can not handle the 0.77 code then maybe it's time to give the version with battlecruisers and acs? But the first one where the moon rockets were not attacking.. Edit I know most will be on it, but it's better to have a stable engine than a 4x server a day off.
And what happened last night? The server was offline so I went to sleep like most. In the morning a colleague writes me sms that he lost his flote.Ha ha ha ha ...