Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 95.

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam


  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam


  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    Good morning to everyone Ogamers photo5798907879640641889.jpg Dedicated to........

  • Someone could to update it from list

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam



  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    For @Willi Santa Clause WETEHA.jpg Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam


  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    A winner is simply a dreamer who has never surrendered. (Hidden Content) STEVEN PAUL JOBS 1955 - 2011 Dedicated to madmen. Dedicated to madmen, not conformists, rebels, troublemakers, to those who do not surrender before evidence, to those who see things differently, they do not like the rules and have no respect for the status quo, you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify them or denigrate them, but the only thing you can never do is i…

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam

    Post "Shelter" (feat. Roxanne Emery) You are the sun in my sky Even when the stars all die You are gonna make me shine You make me shine 'cause I'm born forever your guide For all of my life I will be by your side And I'll be there when you fall, yeah And they'll be no pain at all And I'll be your shelter Your shelter from the storm Yeah always be your shelter I'll be there if you fall And if you walk a lonely road Know that you're not alone 'Cause I'll be your shelter…

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam

    Post You all think this song as soundtrack in every board Ogame where all to talk on FUSION - MERGE or other changed on Ogame !!!

  • Research

    DeltaT - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hello, is very easy to start a new account with lobby. Tech Info: Laser Technology Focusing light produces a beam that causes damage when it strikes an object. Lasers (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) produce an intense, energy rich emission of coherent light. These devices can be used in all sorts of areas, from optical computers to heavy laser weapons, which effortlessly cut through armour technology. The laser technology provides an important basis for research of othe…

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam


  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    image.jpg The problems about being a programmer: My mother said: Honey, please go to market and buy 1 bottle of milk. If they have the eggs, bring 6. I came back with 6 bottles of milk. My mother said: Why did you come back with 6 bottles of milk? I said: Because they had eggs!!!!

  • I try. Quote from JJMonti: “Could you tell me where this doll comes from? What is the origin of it?. ” GB

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    image.jpg When the Array starts from [0]

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    image.jpg it's almost always in this way, the best ideas come only while you're sleeping

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    DeltaT - - Spam


    image.png "A programmer was walking out of door for work, his wife said "while you're out, buy some milk" and he never came home." Source Code (1 line)

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    DeltaT - - Spam


  • Projet mmorpg-stat

    DeltaT - - Projects Translations


    2.png EN : 'Compare planets between alliances' , 'Select all', 'Unselect all', 'Add the inactive', 'Remove the inactive'. 5.png IT : 'Confronta pianeti tra alleanze' , 'Seleziona tutto' , 'Deseleziona tutto' , 'Aggiungi inattivi' , 'Rimuovi inattivi'.

  • OGame API

    DeltaT - - OGame API


    Quote from vld: “Hi All, is it possible to add the "label" tag attribute with label of the universes in universes.xml? ” I'm agree, could be useful, but at the moment we can take this information from serverData.xml