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  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    It was nice to meet you all. Yea, even some germans! If someone happen to attend this year's Metaldays fest I will be more than happy to buy him/her a beer. Or two. Just hit me via forum msg or at IRC. And goodybe to all the rest.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from TGWo: “@Sorcy ........ if for example tomorrow will arrive this news: "there is a problem of security in code, but we don't know how many time request to manage code or if we will be able to fix it. Sorry". With this example what will be your reply ? Do you think that it is impossible that situation is this ? ” My previous post above already replyed to your question: Considering me there's no a slight reason for understanding as long they don't bother to give us one.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Conspiracy theories or not, the more time pass without any information the less sense is there to even bother or care for it. Guessing that they are doing the best as they can is pretty much the same as guessing that they are doing nothing at all regarding this and we waste our time here. Because if anyone would care even a bit, we would get at least a brief infomation where we are at and what to expect after several WEEKS of downtime. Some of you expressed some sympathies and understanding for …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Daidegas: “How can such this big bug appear only now? ” Good question. That's something I was wondering too and hoped that there will be some statement from developers regarding this issue. There's a rumour that one of recently banned top players found a way how exploit a server into his own advantage so they "fixed" something overnight and caused those additional bugs. Details aren't known publicly so take this rumour with a grain of salt. Another possibility which crossed my mind is…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Athenacompet: “A clue : one and the same player is at the center of everything ” Jango!

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Jango: “@Sorcy : Lonewolf didn't loose any planets and I don't think he lost any moons either. So the screenshot is probably the best guess. ” It may be, but have you noticed avatar of a person who posted this screenshot? You saw this image already at the day when server went down. I am starting to wondering if lonewolf know at all that his acc was out of vm and fleet killed ... Ugh... edit. you already answered this part at same time I was writing my question above

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Jango: “Does anyone know who killed the main fleet of lonewolf? ” No one? There were just few players capable to do it with a profit and not too big points drop as no one lost any decent points that night. I also spoke with all potential candidates and everyone denied it. Unless someone lied and killed fleet in batches other possible scenarious would be killing fleet in waves vs some middle ranked turtle (that's why we didn't noticed points drop) or killing fleet together with colony …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    All this above is just matter of philosophical discussion of course. @Brut with post above hit the nail regarding the real problem here. Details how things will be handled by gameforge after so long downtimes and mass vacation mode aren't crucial here anymore. This server, this community, with so many players frustrated, so many players permanently in VM, etc... won't be ever the same again. Right now those few still interested don't even know if server will be back anytime soon ... if ever.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Cano: “I have participated because I could no longer feel that the attack's ban would protect the miners, because it is not so, or it is not predominantly. And it's true that the fleeters have lost, but the small ones have gotten three times as much, a bit of honor for them. ” Out of curiosity, how would you answer to a small player who decided that hunting will be his way of playing instead of mining? Small fleeters/raider/farmer/etc? You know, those exist too. Because as you describ…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    No news from gameforge about this yet.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Cano your logic have some flaws There's a lot of talking about those smaller, newer players as potential victims because of too much resources. Many of you forget one important detail. Small, newer players, etc... won't need days to transport stuff among planets to build something. In one week each planet produce enough of resources to upgrade mine on every single planet and there may left even some extra to upgrade defence or build some ship. -> So to solve problem with too much of resources is…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Thanks! I hope that no one gets me wrong here. I am not complaining because of miners still earn 100% profit in the weeks of downtime and fleeters stay poor because of this same downtime. That's something what we all should understand and accept. It sucks for fleeters compared to miners who advantage from situation but things are as they are. What I am against is specifically non attack ban after player leave protection (vacation mode) to help to those who profited in the time of downtime to uti…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Rusiak: “Quote from Sorcy: “Beside that as this is something you get for free for no particular reason while as example fleeter did not get it, it doesn't make any difference if you just waste it for defence or whatever. ” whilst i am with you on the bug itself you are just plain wrong. lets have an example: you got 5 bucks and jango has 7 (his mines are better) the both of you don't look into their bank account for time x you make 5 bucks a month and jango makes 4 (farming vs mining)…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Jango: “of course miners get the most from this downtime (because of storage bug). And I personally wouldn't need an attack ban. But there are many small/new player with accounts which are not in the slightest prepared for those amounts of res.When those get farmed, they will loose the interested in playing this server quicker than a top200 miner who got farmed once. Which would lead to an even faster server death. Therefore, to give the smaller guys a chance an attack ban would be ni…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Canarefr: “(Hidden Content) ” I had a strangely developed account with 9 moons, numerous top10 HoF crashes for "not more than a month of playing". But you seems right here and I am sorry for confusion. Mistake seems completely on my side. I was playing 1st server which as in case of which I started around same time as I quitted .us wasn't named by galaxies (andromeda/betelgeus/cygnus/etc..) but numbers (Universe1/2/3..) I started the very first moment commun…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Canarefr: “p.s. @Sorcy, who were you in if it's true that you was top1, you should know me VERY well. ” [Cursed] Speadge All biggest initial HoFs were more or less mine, continuing .org tradition. For goodbye tired of game at that time I crashed my fleet into those russians and Diavolcicy overtook my (still big and well developed) account. I don't know what happened with my acc later. While I was playing there my only rival was this prominent and well known .org cheater B…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    When server run everyone chose his own way of growth, dedication and time spent in game with risks involved in this. But without server running no one should advantage with that and yet miners do. Unless production of all players would completely stop in a moment of server downtime there's not much what can be done and we must accept that, however I strongly disagree to additionally help to those who by pure luck unfairly advantaged above other players becaue of downtime. If everyone would get s…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    So no attack ban here as suggestion to help and make it easier for those who advantaged from this downtime the most already anyway? (ie. miners without enough of cargo capacity). By my opinion everyone should handle their own matters once out of VM by himself without additional help of gameforge. Update. Like WiZ^ above said.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from Canarefr: “The second one is probably the protection of the accounts: if the production is still running (with the depots bug), the simple v-mode for the accounts is not enough anymore and something like an attack ban is required. ” I don't quite understand you. Why mass v-mode wouldn't be enough? It's not like anyone can attack you when you're in VM and it's your own choice when to go out of VM and start to play again. Personally I prefer non attack ban above mass VM simply because w…

  • What do those snowflakes know. Combat converter colours were there since Rusiak was illiterate kid, and we fleeters were doing just fine with it. We're just authentic non-spoiled part of RETRO universe! Thanks to everyone for nice words.