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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • constant trade rate

    pl1 - - Suggestions


    becouse most of them make profit of this rule . just like in our polish ogame, so we heard about that - the one's who are resposible for this game will hear our voice . thats all

  • constant trade rate

    pl1 - - Suggestions


    and who decide which rule applies in our or other countries COMA? or GF just asking couse i dont know I always thought that it depends on gf .

  • constant trade rate

    pl1 - - Suggestions


    no we will not live with it we will quit playing couse game got no sens right now. and i suposped this is forum that administrators of ogame can read - right? so read carefuly . ppl will go away . if u dont chage few things . thats all

  • constant trade rate

    pl1 - - Suggestions


    hello everyone i will write smth later but the idea is : 1. simple constant exchange rate 3;2;1 nothing more it will do much good . think about it , and write your opinion . i will write more about it soon cu edit ppl in polish ogame make 500kkk fleet in a 3 month time:) easy only buying accounts selling them to scraper and exchanging for deuterium thats all that must be stoped at source . game operators game administratos dont do thing about it ... its only normal trade for them example player …