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Search results 1-16 of 16.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Ralitsa - - General


    Quote from Valent: “It looks like someone is doing a DDOS attack on retro server. ” A DDoS attack is hardly ever the end goal. Those are often used to mask other activity going on in the background. The unavailability of a SSL connection to ogame compounded by the fact that players can't even regularly change their passwords, is really asking for trouble.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Ralitsa - - General


    At some point we need to start thinking about accounts being deleted due to inactivity, if these pause periods are counting towards that. Not everyone logged on, on the 24hrs or so that the game was live again.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Ralitsa - - General


    I don't care when the game is back on. I do care about the conditions in which the accounts will be when it does. Can we expect all accounts to be on vacation mode once the game goes back on, or do we have to keep frenetically checking the server status? Is anyone considering the possibility that some people may go on vacation at some point between now and the time the server is back on and may not be able to set the account on vacation mode? What do you intend to do about that? If you give play…

  • Back to basics... or is it?

    Ralitsa - - General


    Quote from good ol' grumpy: “Hello ForeL” Wait, so you got your message reported? ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL ForeL

  • Witch Team and Nationality

    Ralitsa - - General


    I just wanted to say I approve of this product/service since it will make monitoring online times and attacks much easier.

  • Obviously the correct answer is 55

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    Ralitsa - - Spam


    "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Pat Moynihan

  • Planet Size charts

    Ralitsa - - General


    This seems consistent with what I remember as well: Quote: “ pos1 to 3: 80% between 40 and 70 fields (55+/-15) pos4 to 6: 80% between 120 and 310 fields (215+/-95) pos7 to 9: 80% between 125 and 255 fields (200+/-45) pos10 to 12: 80% between 75 and 125 fields (100+/-25) pos13 to 15: 80% between 60 and 190 fields (125+/-65) ” More @

  • I'm terribly sorry but I have to pass. I only know one Polish word and using it would, perhaps, get me banned. It starts with a K, ends with an A, has a W in the middle, a total of 5 letters, and can actually mean many things depending on context. And the worst thing, I'm just scrapping the barrel here to get to the magical 10 posts.

  • Where are you from?

    Ralitsa - - General


    Not wanting to piss on anyone's cheerios but actually doing just that. And also because this could be used to gather intel on online times: Oh! Also, I'm from Titan. That's a moon near Saturn.

  • Research lvl not showing

    Ralitsa - - General


    Ok, that's it. We don't want the old ogame anymore. Give us redesign and pay to win, please.

  • There, there... It's tempting to say you knew what you're getting into when you signed up to this universe. But in reality, playing a GF game is like playing Russian roulette. You know the initial conditions, you never know the end result, and it may turn out you just wasted your life.

  • Pushing, 1 week

    Ralitsa - - Archive


    Quote from Danimanza: “ Some years ago, it was even forbidden take moonshots for free (even without pushing), and some other restrictions like commerce, recycles help from users IP Sharing. Now all of those things are allowed (just some examples). ” Oh, I just remembered I actually live with 20 other family members and we're all going to play this universe. Better get that started, then.

  • Quote from Kebab: “Quote from AbioticViper: “A prime example of this was the update 1.4.0 for .org, was ment to be released on the 3rd, we told there was a delay and it will be another day maybe more. Its the 11th now. If GF cant keep its word why shuold we stay for things that may never happen” would you rather have an update delayed and be delivered properly or an update rushed and cause untold problems and bugs? In we got the 1.4.0 update then the 1.4.1 update straight after, qucikly…

  • Quote from Gerti: “ The oldest saved Acc-Number-Facts we got are from january 2007. At this point, the older universes got between 3500 and 4000 Users. Universes like german servers 8 to 10 at this point absolved a runtime of more than 3 years. If you today take a look at the universes with a runtime from 3 years (german servers 63-65) and if you compare the account-numbers, you have to assess that there are only around 600 and 700 accs per server (like on all other, normal and older german serv…