Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 89.

  • The temperature factor is rounded down as you have already deducted. This is a bug in v7. Therefore 36 ° - 59 °C planets behave like a 60 °C planet. Same is true for 10 °C - 34 °C planets, they are like 35 °C planets (Temp Factor = 1.3). Only every 25 °C the production rate changes. kfg

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    kfg - - Bug Reporting


    We have tested the scenario I suggested and are convinced now, that also if attack = 1.0 % of shield power, the shot will bounce off: To address the question asked here: The outcome of a combat does not depend on the ship classes or tech levels, but only the resulting values for attack and shield. So, cruisers can destroy death stars, but only under certain conditions: C Source Code (40 lines) We found a couple of other issues as well, e.g. if attack = x.0% of shie…

  • Bermuda top player

    kfg - - Feedback & Discussions


    The real answer is: Bermuda hosted some farm planets with insane resources during the alpha phase of V.6. These farms had no production themselves and were replenished only once. Some players simply got the most of it and built crazy things. Record holder was Superman with 26 mrd (or billion for USA) points. kfg

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    kfg - - Bug Reporting


    I would suggest to test a different scenario ingame first: 1.000 recycler (base attack 1) vs. 1 colony ship (base shield 100) with same techs and +/- 1. I suspect a rounding issue, since there are some expedition findings with odd resource numbers, too. Maybe this is due to the fact that OGame uses floating-point arithmetics. kfg

  • Maybe it depends on the lvl of graviton research. My acc in Origin has gravi 0 and normal fuel usage, the one in Bermuda gravi 1 and 50 %. Maybe the formula is: Quote: “Usage = 1 / (1 + lvl Graviton research) ” Can someone check this?

  • Some of the most annoying issues have already been mentioned here. Thanks for the quick disabling of the autorun videos. Whoever thought them a good idea should be forced to watch them 1.000 times in a row on a mobile device with exhausted download volume and with reduced download speed. And then again. The clustering of all game accounts protected by only one password is maybe convenient, but dangerous. A few years ago the login sites were changed to prevent multiple login selections by user sc…

  • Quote from vulca: “4) get 700M ress (in fact, you can't get more than 550M ...)” Explain that number please. In the newspost it says: Quote from Valent: “If your universe offers 30% debris field, the size of your wreck field will be around 70%. ... The space dock will offer you the chance to repair your fleet using your available resources and some time. It produces and requires energy cells to start your repair missions. With upgrading the building, which also requires energy, you can produce a…

  • Quote from Danimanza: “When a new feature is designed, you should not think about cheater stuff. You have to think about if that feature is useful or not. For cheating there is a team who will check if players use the feature legally or not, and they will have tools to check it And... Your 2nd option to cheat, is also posible now, scrap all fleet and defenses and then go to steps 6 and 7. Does not mean that it can be checked ^^” That made me laugh. A very, very bitter laugh. What did the product…

  • Quote from Valent: “There is one reason this feature was announced before it is implemented . This reason is to have feedback from players in the development phase. We are happy to receive any comments, being skeptic is not bad , provided you ask the questions and you add your comments. We value them a lot. This is in fact the main objective of Origin . If you don't see any comments directly from Game development team that doesn't mean they don't read your posts and they don't take into consider…

  • Quote from vulca: “Quote from kfg: “Couldn't you find another way to give users some of their lost fleets back?” Do not hesitate to give better way ;)” As if the GF would abandon their shiny new wreck fields, spacedocks or energy cells. Or the resource-free deconstruction, urgently needed for the building of energy cells, which themselves are desperately needed for ship repairs and for nothing else. I suspect the announced update for the spacedocks will enable the energy cells to generate resour…

  • Quote from Jake Doyle: “Basically i can push myself with building resources.” I think the misunderstanding is caused by the term "push myself". Maybe you should use the term "push another account" instead. Without DM: 1. Pushing account: "forgets" to FS 5 % of his fleet 2. Pushed account: nukes ships 3. Pushed account: collects 30 % DF 4. Pushing account: repairs 70 % of ships with resources from sacrificed buildings 5. Goto step 1. or: With DM: 1. Pushing account: "asks" pushed account to nuke …

  • Quote from iguypouf: “Mmmm, are you sure that res given back after downgrade is available for other thing than converting the wreck field into ships ? I don't think so. So no problem with push.” 1. Attack and destroy fleet 2. Collect DF 3. Repair wrecks with resources from buildings 4. Go to Step 1 Maybe you can't recycle 75 % due to the limitations set, but you don't need DM for bribing the scrap merchant or for gambling the best ratios at the resource merchant. That's the simple method. Users …

  • Quote from JoKy: “Your quote from say now what exactly? That tear down was implemented and cost resources? That should work as argument for?” It is a regular game element. And that this feature is more than 12 years old and not less, as you stated. Quote from JoKy: “That it should not be changed? That it should work for saving resources? ” It should not be sacrificed for a new feature that will be exploited for pushing. You don't think so? I do. And other gamers too. V4 was bad enough, …

  • Quote from JoKy: “So your argumentation is like: We abused that feature over 12 years (it´s even less because tear down was implemented later) and because of that it should not be changed. Let me think ... nope.” Quoted from Quote: “v0.372a spätestens 27.10.2003 - Nach grossen Schlachten können Monde entstehen - Mondbasis ist fertig - Gebäude lassen sich nun abreissen. Das kostet aber RS. - Trümmerfelder ohne Planeten lassen sich nun nicht mehr angreifen oder ausspionieren - Kleiner Bu…

  • So for more than 12 years it was a unique feature and now it's an abuse of game mechanics? Cute little twist there. There are a million other ways to implement wreck recovery, but GF insists on this one. You are so desperate to keep people in the game, but you can't think of a way to do it without annoying the ones who don't need it, since they can take care of themselves. kfg

  • Quote from JoKy: “That´s how it will work, when tearing down is then without costs and works instant. It´s the same with every change in the game, someone will always complain, don´t mather what. ” This change is not necessary for the wreck fields. There are enough other ways to accomplish the goal. Quote from JoKy: “But I think that tear down cost resources was a fail anyway. I also know that some are using it as cheap save method, also some are failing that way, when they forget to abort it. I…

  • So there will be no more tear-down saving of resources? That is a kick in the face for all miners using this very efficient tactic in late-game. The change of ion technology was bad enough already. This is much, much worse! kfg

  • You are our hero, Shole! Thank you very much, keep up the good work! kfg

  • Thank you DarkSky! Good, that the issue is known. Nevertheless, then it was more important to adapt AGO to OGame V6. Now it seems it is more important that AGO will be tolerated by FF. Nabor reported in the .de board, that the signing of his Skynet by Mozilla still isn't done, although he requested it already months ago. kfg

  • The update to FF 43 will automatically shut down unsigned Add-ons like AGO. There is a work-around, but only in this version. From FF 44 on, no unsigned Add-ons will work. Will AGO apply for a FF signature? Or has this been done already? The work-around: 1. Open new FF tab 2. enter in address bar: about:config 3. click on "I'll be careful, I promise!" 4. browse to (or search): xpinstall.signatures.required 5. double click to change preference from "true" to "false" 6. Start Add-ons-Manager by cl…