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  • Responsive desing

    Imperor - - Archive - Suggestions


    You have to activate a checkbox in options: Options > Display > Show mobile version : I hope you mean this

  • Ignorance

    Imperor - - General


    Quote from TGWo: “When universe is started GameForge said "no support" , so it already decided don't spend time in developen of this version of game. Fourth, it is sad that retro server is closed, but the real target of complains should be players that used this issue to improve their game .......... if nobody started to use bug, server was still open. Maybe in a far far time, they will fix issue of version and open again retro server. I hope. ” TGWo explained it very well. GF announced retroser…

  • As I explained you in the ticket you sent to the system marco

  • Maybe that is an option... but for the future if GF consider to change it, and in that case .es would be the destination of .mx and .ar because of the language.

  • " Let's investigate a game problem with 'some players' in 'any place' and with 'some ships' or with 'any investigation' " Quote from Minion: “but I don't really understand your attitude. ” What attitude? We are only saying that this cannot be easy for anyone, and less for GameOperators that are doing a voluntary work, we don't need to make it more difficult. Quote from Lord_: “The simplest answer to this request is: Undoable if you want to have support at all If a GO wants to do his or her job c…

  • what you are suggesting is not possible and @ErikFyr has explained you very well. the game operator has to know some information to verify who is sending ticket and know if he can be answered or not.

  • I mean that now a player can reduce time construction easily with Dark Matter. If there is no activity in any planet that game is going to be suicide or a farmville. In my opinion ver few attacks. If that activity only disappears in some windows (for example overview, galaxy, alliance, etc) and not in shipyard or defense maybe would like a bit more.

  • Before redesign when a player was in overview there was no activity in galaxy view. When player changed to other one, he had it. In that way I think can be a good idea, but I don't agree to have it always. With Dark matter you can do many things, the idea is to make that game a bit harder, but not suicide.

  • Multi account

    Imperor - - General


    As TGWo told you, this is not the place to do that. You have to send a ticket to support system and RetroServer GameTeam will read you and investigate both players.

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Imperor - - Suggestions


    Quote from Valent: “For example : energy research (after a certain level) to provide the lunar base ( after a certain level ) with ow protection shield that can be extended to protect the entire moon. The more you enhance energy and lunar base, a -1 factor is added to moon destruction forumula ” The problem is that the increment has to be low. If not, the probability of destroying moon would be reduced considerably. --- About changing the speed of destroying a moon.... If speed is changed I thin…

  • The problem with your porposal, is that this technology was recently changed to get an extra production of deuterium (before this, no extra was earned). So probably it won't be changed for a long time.

  • Server down? Login problem? 21.09.2016

    Imperor - - General


    Server works fine

  • Server down? Login problem? 21.09.2016

    Imperor - - General


    Problem is reported to be solved as faster as possible, please be calm

  • WBB4.1 change

    Imperor - - Feedback & Discussions


    To host images in a httpS here you are an example Regarding to suco's post, I have to say that I like this modern style, let's see how does it work

  • Quote from ErikFyr: “ but if the player will have to wait for the planet to be deleted before he can colonize a new one, it will just be annoying ” In that case, we should think in adding the possibility of confirm a deletion. (Hidden Content) With 2 confirmations in that case, but if a player is hacked the problem is not solved... The problem of reverting a deletion would be as I said before if fleet is destroyed, because getting back a planet or moon would be useless if your fleet is broken. O…

  • Maybe is a good idea to avoid hacking problems, but if a fleet is destroyed in a planet/moon deleted cannot be recovered... at least constructions. On the other hand, this kind of problems just happen when a player gives his password to another... that is on their on responsibility. ----------- I would prefer a variant of your idea: What about of setting a countdown of (for example) 12 hours to a planet/moon since it is activated before final deletion? After this countdown, planet/moon will be d…

  • I move this thread to AntiGameOrigin subforum, because this suggestion is for Antigame and the other site is for suggestions of the game. I know what you meant but it would be easely to implement here, in game what we can see is all fleet movements somthing very important.

  • In my opinion there is no relation between nanites and investigation. To reduce time we have Intergalactic Research Network, maybe is much time, but that is made to increase Research Lab more levels. Maybe it would be more interesting if you use a new special building to improve that.

  • - Official Spanish discussion thread

    Imperor - - General


    Espero que deis buen ejemplo de buen comportamiento...

  • Sorry for the delay, i have had difficult days. It's everything translated tell me if something is missed.