Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 22.

  • Colonization disaster

    totalanihilation - - General


    well. in this rythm by the time people do moondestruction i guess i will still send coloni ships... i tell you those 4 5 6 slots are cursed allright :pillepalle:

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    Quote from frikin: “P9...144 keep it or not..huh :wacko:” yes for res. delete it eventualy. what a huge amount of players. g6 is filling now

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    p13 ...191 fields.

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    it was me it's better for you if the ship returns than actual hiting the desired spot but with a 50 fields. i need so bad to vent right now. :dash:

  • deployment

    totalanihilation - - General


    i recall a deployement mision and now i can't see it in the overview. is that normal for retro uni or is it a bug?

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    Quote from Fexghadi: “@totalanihilation: Well, in any other position than 15 I would find it stupid to abandon a 154 fields colony, unless you already have another 8 big planets.” dude. i didnt delete it. but i will not keep it in the long run. and a brand new 74 field colony on p13. The F. :dead:

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    Quote from Fexghadi: “Quote from totalanihilation: “on that 15 slot i got 154 fields. trash....” I hope you're kidding.” no. i dont keep planets with fileds below my HM. eventualy i will hit the right one.

  • Colonization disaster

    totalanihilation - - General


    its a nightmare for all.waited 10kdeut to build a colony then wasted another 6k to send it to g4 and the results 54 fields. but this is the beauty of old design. you need to fight and struggel for everything. can't be satisfaction withouth effort. the hell with those 25+fields boosters for cash :thumbdown:

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    Quote from Raptorr: “you will never be able to improve this hahahahahaah 5.280 km (27 / 27 fields)” terraform the crap out of that planet on that 15 slot i got 154 fields. trash.... :S

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    56 fiels on p4. this is BS. sent in anger next colony on slot 15 and after this we have to go tru those 20 moonshot fails. just imagine the fun :crazy:

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    Quote from Raptorr: “Best Colony Haiti 5.280 km (6 / 27 fields)” lol never seen one that pitifull :crazy: my first decent colony was 247 fields in p4. in g1g2 you have no chance to go for 4-6 positions

  • Destroy of new planets

    totalanihilation - - General


    from what i remenber they get completly deleted in 2 days. but i might be dead wrong here.

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    Quote from Sorkiling: “First colony: pos 5, 78 fields Second colony: pos 4 46 fields Thrid colony: pos 4 41 fields Wtf is this edit by Valent: repaced one word with an emoticon” unlucky in fields...lucky in love maby. think positive. my c ship is flying right now to position 4 but meh don't have my hopes up. will repeat, no hury.

  • 1st colony

    totalanihilation - - General


    the best position for a maximum nr of fields are 4,5,6 ???

  • What level are your mines?

    totalanihilation - - General


    thanks guys. and yes it just happend.....

  • What level are your mines?

    totalanihilation - - General


    13 11 8 15 at what time do the ranks/points refresh every day dont want to start a new tread just for this)

  • Research lvl not showing

    totalanihilation - - General


    so we should change, align the whole a way that protects human errors(sort of anti-stupid measures). ogame went that way long ago and look where we are...returning to a retro uni. because of all that ..fleet retreating, insta build and all those stupid crap invented just to gratify the weak ones.

  • Research lvl not showing

    totalanihilation - - General


    why do you need to see lvl research while in progres with another? you have the tehnology menu that tells you acurate what do you have and what do you need for future projects. that's the beauty of epicblue you are not overwhelmed, overloaded with pointless visual information

  • i'm curious and how many of those (i) players exist ? so we can estimate the active player count in the long run.

  • Activity on planets

    totalanihilation - - General


    yes refreshing in overview can causes activity.