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  • It ist very tedious to check hundreds or even thousands of espionage reports because exact fleet is missing. Therefore I am forced to open all "maybe interesting" ones to recognize that there are only 1000 light fighter and not 1000 deathstars To show the units instead of number of ships would be more helpful. But first and foremost a filter (similar to AGO) which deletes all espionage reports below a entered limit automatically would be very nice. Is something like that envisaged?

  • chat deactivation

    last chance - - Archive - OGame Planet


    sorry, I am not able to provide screenshot at the moment. But maybe I can explain Screen size actual laptop is 16" Without zoom I see in galaxy view pos 1-9 and in the planet list only 9 planets. With zoom I see pos 1-15 and 10 planets. Both is status quo in ogame 5.8.7 and already annoying in accs with 10 or more planets. Due to the additional line for chat functions (closed chat windows/player list) another planet and pos in gala view dissapeared. Therefore I would like to get rid of this line…

  • chat deactivation

    last chance - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I'm talking about this chat window, not the whole message system. For chatting I'm using Skype or maybe IRC. A lot of people don`t like to use it ingame.

  • chat deactivation

    last chance - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I really missed a possibility to deactivate the chat including the whole chat window. Even if it's closed it's annoying with small screens e.g. laptop. Accounts from 11 planets onwards or pages like galaxy view have caused already space problems in older versions and with this footer now it is terrible. Please let us hide this window completely oder deactivate the whole chat function.