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Request 1: Can you add a live tactical retreat field that updates while you enter your fleet? Currently, I have to run a sim for it to calculate the tactical retreat ratio, remove a few ships, run sim again, rinse and repeat. Request 2: Similar to request 1 using live updates but for cargos needed as I add combat ships, i think your intention was to always show how many cargos are needed regardless of combat ships, so maybe add a 2nd number in parenthesis showing how many are needed for 100% plu…
UniverseView for FireFox
DrBlink - - UniverseView
PostJust installed it - Thank you for all your hard work.
I was looking for the defender's fleet to be ignored in the simulation if they will tactically retreat. I use this simulator primarily for raiding so its important to know how many cargos/ships i need to send but since the sim includes the defender's fleet even though they will tactically retreat, it leads me to send more ships than I need to.
Is it possible to add tactical retreat to this as well? For example, if my fleet is greater than 5:1 ratio, its a pretty safe bet that the fleet will retreat and I will only go up against defenses. So what I really need to know is how my fleet will do against defenses, not fleet and defenses. Current workaround is to load up my fleet and the defender api. Then see if tactical retreat will be in effect and if it is, then manually delete just the fleet part from the defender. Now I can calculate h…
There's a bug with load espionage report from api and shield domes. To replicate the bug, load an api for the defender like this one sr-en-136-62f46aabc6de934666c12705ed8064306e3bb397 then check the box for large shield, then load the api again. It will include the large shield even though its not part of the api. I run into this issue constantly when loading multiple APIs from different scans/players. The workaround seems to be to uncheck both dome boxes before loading the next api.
Just in case you are open to requests, can you add these features? -Delete button to remove spy reports under X loot. -Sort butttons to sort spy reports by loot and/or defense and/or fleet. This script is great. As a sidenote, galaxytool requires every report to be opened by clicking more details because of the changes made on v6. If only it would work together with this script to upload all spy reports in one shot.