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Search results 1-20 of 32.

  • There are currently no plans to spend any time on the tool dev api - I think. So unfortunately we can just be happy that the api is still alive and api keys are prolonged and so on.

  • OGame API

    ImperatorMaximus - - OGame API


    Hm, I don't think that there is such a limit. But as usual: Be nice, don't open too many connections, and be fault tolerant. I request every available data, but I do this only once per file in the validity period. See OStats / PoC collecting every xml api endpoint

  • Hello, I have developed a piece of software to collect every accessible xml api endpoint as PoC. So it collects every hour the highscores of every server, every week all playerData and so on… I wanted to store every piece of information in the xml data, so the database isn't designed for performance or low disk / memory consumption. So this more a proof of concept than a usable software. But I think the collected data might be interesting and also to continue collecting the data. I want to stop …

  • Hi, in der serverData.xml ist der Name des Unis ebenso vermerkt - argh, überlesen, dass eure DB mit den Namen strukturiert ist VG

  • Quote from TGWo: “xsd is only rules to validate dates insert in that xml. Not really of interest to read api. but maybe I didn't understand exactly the question or i ignore something about xml. ” If you provide a xml and mention the corresponding xsd file, this should validate. Technically you can ignore it, but I think it is important to fix this, because some of the other documents have optional tags and attributes – you know them through the xsd file.

  • Hey Takumi, nice project start. I have worked silently also on tool called ostats. The motivation was to request every public available api information and also store it. It's a dirt hack project so it's source code isn't announced in the public yet. Currently I'm started to work on it again due to the shutdown of ogniter. I have added you as an collaborator, and also try to publish the sources in the near future. Yours Imp

  • OGame API

    ImperatorMaximus - - OGame API


    Quote from Xinthos89: “Thank you very much. I have a problem, though: the universe updates on a monday, a player relocates on a tuesday and i'm trying to save a spy report from a wednesday. How can i connect the report to the planet without keeping and searching the relocation history? The coordinates of the planet have changed, and I don't have the planet id in the report. ” No. The id of the planet is hidden by design. Sorry

  • Buying Deut

    ImperatorMaximus - - Archive


  • Planet Size charts

    ImperatorMaximus - - General


    I haven't checked the actual values, but this should something you're looking for: - Felderanzahl - Durchschnittliche Planetengrößen bis Version 0.84

  • OGame API

    ImperatorMaximus - - OGame API


    Quote from Malakian: “Hi guys. From what I know, using this API directly is not recomended and admins stated to first download data from API to our server and then fetch data from there. Since direct use of API isn't recomended, I have to make nearly 400,000 requests just to download one entire snapshot. Wouldn't it be easier if GF provide gzip'ped data which would eventually reduce data size fetch from over 2GB to 200MB and 400,000 request to just one? Source Code (10 lines)” Ehm, the use of th…

  • Hi janbank, your last reply has not been vanished, but had to be enabled. (Not your fault :)) But I think one thread is enough, so this is now closed! Yours ImperatorMaximus

  • Postcounter check forgotten :O

  • More spam

  • Hi crane, it is intended that the planet information is only available once a week (or shifted between playerData and universe). I think that the game element of a hidden (raid) colony is essential for fleeters and would be obsolete with reducing the delay of updates of this two endpoints. OGame is playing in the outer space. Gazing up at the sky also doesn't provide you with all available information. Properly you can say that the costs of clicking the galaxy view was removed in v6, but anyway …

  • The 3rd solution is also the favorited one. You will have to create a proxy server and then make sure it's cached and protected against brute force attacks. Maybe I will start the next weekend with a general proxy rate limited and authenticated with OAuth.

  • OGame API

    ImperatorMaximus - - OGame API


    Quote from Asiman: “Quote from vulca: “CR/harverst/spy/missile” for CR $path ='combat/report'; for spy $path ='spy/report'; ? if yes, why the result 6001? :)” Quote from DevLaTron: “INVALID_CR_ID = 6000; INVALID_SR_ID = 6001;” INVALID_RR_ID = 6002; INVALID_MR_ID = 6003; Endpoints: Source Code (4 lines) So 6001 shows you that the supplied espionage report key is wrong.

  • It would be nice to add a data attribute containing the api key. In the current version the api key is removed from the title attribute after hovering and then only contained in the tooltip window. Source Code (4 lines)

  • Hey guy, please calm down! @technopredator: You didn't mention the exact version. The currnt xpi / firefox version of antigame is and neither 5.9.13 nor The beta ( doesn't inlcude this fix. So is the only version containing this fix! I think the fix just fixes the espionage probes in the galaxy view. @Shole: Please don't forget to commit and push the git repository! Yours Imp

  • Hey! I have a git repository containing the bug fixes. Please contact me, so I can give you access and also upload your work on! Imp P.S.: I like your enthusiasm