Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 67.

  • Quote from DevLaTron: “Dear players, quite a while ago we announced a new, old, blue universe. While we (the OGame team) are still in a phase of testing and fixing a lot of bugs and issues, we felt that we should update you on the progress, and fill in some background information and history about this universe. First of all, the testing is well on it's way, with well over 100 people helping us out. Thanks everyone involved! Second, we want you to know that during the last months, we've been sol…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    12. Exceptions The games Community Management (CoMa) reserves the right to have exceptions to these rules. In special cases (e.g. during events) game rules can be changed or suspended. The user group concerned will be informed when and if this is the case.

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    11. Terms and Conditions The T&C are supplemented with these rules and must also be abided by at all times.

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    10. Breach of the rules Any kind of breach of the rules will be punished with warnings up to a permanent ban of the account. The corresponding GameOperators decide the type and duration of punishments and are contact persons for bans. Clarifications Abuse of Rules: Any form, way and or any attempt to get personal profit unfairly out of any staff members decision is forbidden. This includes but its not limited to: - Messages sent with sole purpose of obtaining a vacation mode ban. - Impersonating…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    9. Language The game publisher reserves the right to exclude players, who are not able to speak the respective native language (e.g. in Game, Board and IRC official chat-rooms). Other possibly allowed languages will be listed on the official game forum. Clarifications The only official language on the Retro Server, its services and this forum services is English. Only use English language in game personal messages, game alliance pages, game alliance applications and game circular messages. The o…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    8. Insults and Spam Any kind of insult and spam are not allowed. Clarifications Anything that causes offense by being of an unacceptable quality that may hurt an individuals integrity is strictly forbidden. The standards in the game environment will be set by the Game Team to meet the users moral views. Content might be censored, punished in a temporary or permanent basis: no complaints will be processed about this and as always the final word will be with the game team. Any situation intended t…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    7. Real-life threats Implying that you are going to locate and harm another player, team member, Gameforge representative or any person that might be related in any way to any of the game services is forbidden.

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    6. Bugusing / Scripting Using a bug for anyone's profit intentionally or not reporting a bug intentionally is strictly forbidden. Using a program as interface between the player and the game is prohibited. Any other form of automatically generated information generated for a group of players advantage with malicious intentions is forbidden as well. Exceptions are listed here: Ogame Retro Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins Clarifications - Causing an intentional lag to a player or on the se…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    5. Pushing It is not allowed for any account to obtain unfair profit out of a lower ranked account in a matter of resources. Pushing is, but not only limited to, these example: resources sent from a lower ranked account to a higher ranked one with nothing tangible in return. Trades, recycling help & ACS splits must be completed within 72 hours. For all exceptions (like bounties) a GameOperator needs to be informed via TicketSystem: Clarifications After a pushi…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    4. Bashing It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon, owned by an active player, more than 6 times in a 24 hour period. This rule also applies to moon destruction missions. Probe attacks and interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule. Bashing is only allowed when your alliance is at war with another alliance. The war must be announced on the relevant OGame board, in the correct forum and must comply with the board's specific rules. Clarifications Attacking fl…

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    3. Account Sitting Account sitting on retro server is not allowed.

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    2. Multi Accounts Each player is allowed to control a single account per universe. If two or more accounts are usually, occasionally, or permanently being played from the same network (e.g. schools, universities, Internet cafes…) it is highly recommended to notify a GameOperator. You can contact support at

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    ButtonDan - - General


    1. Accounts The owner of an account is always the owner of the email address bound the game account. Each account is entitled to be played by a single player at any time. Account exchanges are allowed only once every 15 days. You can contact support at Clarifications OGame Team isn't supporting Account give away, take over and exchange since email can't be changed due technical reasons on Retro Universe. And if you do it, you are doing it on your own risk. In …

  • Update v6.0.17 and 6.1.0-rc1

    ButtonDan - - Test Server


    Dear players, Today all our servers have been updated as followed: - 6.0.17 Changelog (671/680/690) - [Bugs] special sign sequence blocks chat - [Bugs] several background fixes - [Feature Request] new values for the event of reduced building time - OGame 6.1.0-rc1 (Origin Test Universe) - [Polishing] Make Facility images larger - [Polishing] Reformat JS for Fleet1 - [Polishing] Add Message and Event Times - [Feature Request] Add API- Data to Fleet1 Page for external combat simulators - [Bugs] Fi…

  • New updates for the test servers: 6.0.12 Changelog (for Bermuda, test server 680 and 690) - Fix Missile attacks not landing in trash - Fix for Tooltip on players that ignored you contains buddyrequest - Fix for not showing user banned messages on start page - Fix for nodejs starting without ssl - Usability: Relocation of the API-Button - usability: Make API Keys more accessible - Fix moon base not looking like moon base in spy report - Fix for 15 minute color on spy reports - Fix swapped attacke…

  • New updates for the test servers: 6.0.11 Changelog (for Bermuda, test server 680 and 690) - Fix for alliance applications - Galaxy: Tooltip doesn't send message - Techtree: Solsat with picture of Battleship - Fix for fleetsending, especially in the galaxy view - Espionage Report: Activity Marker shows wrong activity time if you spy too quick in a row on same target - Abnormal activity detector - Add Server Setting to disable the RSS Feed Just a little reminder to all players. Under T&C it is not…

  • New updates for the test servers: 6.0.10 Changelog (for Bermuda, test server 680 and 690) - EventHandler performance improvement on full servers - Fix for Buddy request: delete of all your requests when you cancle one of your requests - Fleet stuck on destruction/other problems with moons from GAs - Deny "img tags" in comments - Fix for break on expedition in EH (no target player) - Fix for Tactical Retreat Message - Several Backendfixes 6.1.0-beta1 Changelog (for Origin Test Server) - Include a…

  • Yesterday the test servers got the following update: 6.0.9 Changelog (for Bermuda, test server 680 and 690) - E-Mail-Recovery URL leads to an error page instead of login - Fix Tactical Retreat messages when planet was destroyed - Fix for attacking admin moons locking fleets - Fix for moon destruction locking fleets when moon get destroyed - Remove obsolete "alt" texts from spy report (connected to the shown pictures) - Remove the possibility to post images as report comment by using html - Fix f…

  • The test servers will get the following updates: 6.0.8 Changelog (for Bermuda, test server 680 and 690) - Optimize event handling - Fix for alliance pages cutting off at 2.000 instead of 20.000 characters - Fix fleetsending in external combat reports - Remove double coords from spy report - Fleet 3: Change order of fill all button to Deut -> Crys -> Met - Spyreport: Remove espionage from activity marker - Several Backendfixes We also add a better performance logging to the Eventhandler. Your OGa…

  • The following updates will be online soon: 6.0.6 Changelog (for Bermuda, test server 680 and 690) - [Polishing] Show tank usage in % instead of number - [Feature Request] Circular message: select all player by default - [Feature Request] Add planet coords in chat overviews - [Polishing] Espionage Report (Short view): Switch Resources and total resources - [Polishing] Add Outlaw and Crushed messages to trash - [Bugs] Fix for birthday event planets espionage on 'no item for you' - [Bugs] Fix for D…