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Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Bashing rule clarification

    OldSchool - - Archive


    Follow-up question - back in the day when i was playing, there was something called wave attacks. If one attacked with 2 or more fleets which arrived within short period of time one after another, it was treated as 1 attack towards bash rule. Does it work this way on retro uni?

  • - Official Polish discussion thread

    OldSchool - - General


    Raczej brak. A co do ACS - zostało to wytłumaczone w wiadomości od programisty odpowiedzialnego za retro uni, który @Art zacytował na naszym forum ( wiem - długie i po angielsku ;p ale czasem warto chwilę przysiąść i przeczytać ). Chcieli wprowadzić, ale nie mogli z uwagi na bardzo dużą ilość bugów która się z tym wiązała. Być może kiedyś będzie jak się z tym uporają, ale na razie się nie zanosi.

  • SpeedSim/WebSim

    OldSchool - - General


    Since when speed sim needed to be approved by staff? It doesn't in any way alter the game itself. It is just outside program which simulates the outcome of battles with specific amount of ships / techs / defenses and so on. Why would it need approval?

  • Scripts

    OldSchool - - General


    Would be nice to have a commander tho. Back when this interface was in use and when there weren't any officers or antimatter, most top players used commander. It doesn't give anyone unfair advantage after all and just makes the game easier to navigate. I'm afraid however, that if we got commander, we'd also get all of the remaining unwanted package...

  • Retro Server Duration

    OldSchool - - General


    Yes i know - registered a few hours ago. Funny thing that today was the first time in 2 years i thought about checking how things are going on ogame... and yesterday this perfect new/old universum got started. This is just evil.

  • Skins and else

    OldSchool - - General


    Is there a list of working skins? Link provided in options is invalid. Some of the skins still work tho - try replacing current name of skin (epicblue) with evolution.

  • Retro Server Duration

    OldSchool - - General


    I remember long ago how every new universe was full within 24h from launch. Now 5k i considered good