Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • For the different missions a fleet can go on, there should be different messages on arrival at destination. To improve the current system users came up with the following suggestions: Arrival on a planet (or moon) + coördinates and the action (according to mission) For transportation you will recieve a message that a fleet has arrived at planet/moon on [1:2:3] and delivers 2.000 metal, 1.000 crystal and 0 deuterium. For stationing a fleet the message will be ajusted to: A fleet has arrived and s…

  • The Dutch community is discussing this matter too after a suggestion to alter the v-mode. The link to this idea has just been posted today, but the summary of the suggestion to alter v-mode is: Most players see the positive effects and would like something like this The abbusing (so to say) players ofcourse see there tactics being destroyd and blame the game for the option being there, just like moving planets or build huge defence and become a turtle to rule youself out as a target. I hope to s…

  • I'm sorry for the necrobump, but I wanted to add some comment here. In case of an attack, the attacker might profit 75% raid when the target is honoerable. This is a good way to stimulate the attack of honourable targets. But when I am honourable for one, why is that same person not honourable for me? It is not that the ammount of points make the difference. I can not honoroubly attack the number 2 in my universe (I am at 143). Then the difference must be in the ammount of fleet (militairy point…

  • As the idea was also discussed on the .nl board I was involved in the idea Noot posted. I think we should defenitly integrate the deuterium saving in the research of the engine. This way one will have to do three seperate researches to make all ships more efficiënt. But players can also choose one of the engines, perhaps from fleet they use a lot. This way there is no need to create a new research, which should be expensive enough to cover all deuterium savings. And implanting the advantage in o…

  • Started translations on; Chapter 6: Saving There is no player, no matter if he is ranked #1 or #5000, who can sit 24 hours in front of his computer and watch out that nobody steals his resources or kills his fleet – everyone has got to go to work, school, or at least sleep for a few hours. During this time, the account would be open to possible attacks without any protection, and because of that,fleetsaving has become one of the most important aspects of OGame. That means dispatching your own fl…

  • Schepen In het vorige hoofdstuk heb je je eerste schip gebouwd, het kleine vrachtschip. Nu gaan we eens kijken naar andere vloottypen en hun functies, wat handig is als je gaat besluiten wat het volgende schip is dat je wilt bouwen en onderzoeken. Uitgebreide instructies over de beste oorlogsvloten zijn te vinden in het hoofdstuk “Vloot samenstellingen”. Je vloot opbouwen In het begin kan je nog maar een paar verschillende typen schepen bouwen en is de keuze dus relatief eenvoudig, maar zelfs nu…