Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 23.

  • Forum changes

  • constant trade rate

    ciap - - Suggestions


    Quote from ale cios Poland: “it uses the procedure itself ” If I use, you too >…sze-i-wsz%C4%99dzie24h-7/

  • OGame API

    ciap - - OGame API


    Quote from ImperatorMaximus: “Hm, I don't think that there is such a limit. But as usual: Be nice, don't open too many connections, and be fault tolerant. I request every available data, but I do this only once per file in the validity period. ” Once a day I download alliances.xml, universe.xml, players.xml, couple times a day highscore.xml for all countries and servers.

  • OGame API

    ciap - - OGame API


    Quote from Ouraios: “Hello, i was wondering if there was a request limit in a period of time for fetch XML Data ? Because i want to retrieve playerData.xml for each player of a universe, for every universe, but i dont want to have my IP addresse black listed for that ” I have the same problem for 3-4 weeks.

  • Quote from aliendestroyer: “Almost 2 years ago it was accepted. ” Nov 26th 2016 > Feb 13th 2018 = 444 days = 14,5 months = 1,2 years dead.gif

  • OGame API

    ciap - - OGame API


    "This issue is fixed. If you still cannot use it please contact the Origin admins :)" Not fixed? In aliance: Omega93 96 [1:308:7] 2017-07-15 12:01:07 In API: Quote from API: “<player id="164771" name="markob2" alliance="1039"/> <player id="164772" name="Omega93"/> ” "timestamp="1504699807"" = 09/06/2017 @ 12:10pm (UTC) Where is the alliance info? markob2 is in the alliance…nfo.php?allianceId=500268 OGame ID: 500268, API: 1…

  • OGame API

    ciap - - OGame API


    Quote from “Inconsistency between the alliance file and the player file file :api/alliances.xml XML Source Code (3 lines)ID alliance: 500001 file :api/players.xml XML Source Code (1 line)ID alliance: 30 ” 1.5 months... When will it be fixed?

  • - Official Polish discussion thread

    ciap - - General


    Planeta jest kasowana o 1:20 jeżeli minęło minimum 24h. Jeżeli skasujesz o 2:00 to przy pierwszym 1:20 nie zostanie skasowana ponieważ nie minęło 24h. Tak przynajmniej było na starym ogame. Tutaj nie miałam okazji kasować planety. < o_O

  • - Official Polish discussion thread

    ciap - - General


    Po co ten temat na forum gdzie większość nie ma konta?

  • cuteConverter

    ciap - - Archive - User Project's


    cuteConverter - Info : converter - Author : adam85 / ciap - Website : - Support : - - Download : - - Screenshot : Profie: - Browser : - - Languages : Polish [spoiler=Description] This program converts reports only from polish ogame in many forms and also allows to save them in database. [/spoiler] ..:: Added Review prefix | By Shole ::..

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    ciap - - OGame API



  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    ciap - - OGame API



  • I have cr-pl-105-8cef5ed2c05d55a0b615767bced57ef8b450468b how link will be looks?

  • espionage bug

    ciap - - Archive - OGame Planet



  • Generall Messages

    ciap - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Highscore > Write message 9.png I cant write messages. ninja.png

  • OGame API

    ciap - - OGame API



  • k - kraj - country s - serwer - server j - język - language (pl, fr, en) id - ID

  • History of changes

    ciap - - Archive - User Project's


    History of changes - Info : Page, on which you can watch the history of changes (nick, alliance, cords, points, vacations...) - Author : ciap - Website : - Support : - - Download : - - Screenshot : - - Browser : - - Languages : Polish/ Little English (from google ) [spoiler=Description] If you want to watch the history, you must make the account, log in and in the settings at down add the server. Then you can search players and clans in a bookmark "search". Free hosting... edit …

  • Statistics

    ciap - - Archive - User Project's


    He? <= genderFemaleS.png ... I don't speak much english, so it's pretty hard for me to make good translations. When it comes to page I prefer over PHP but i don't have good ASP server to use. I made this program for game named Bitefight, where I placed whole table on forum by simple copy/paste. In this time my gaps in knowledge about html code weren't problem. But project was closed, so I added code to collect data from Ogame. I changed BBcode to table in html code. I know the limitation…