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  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    StackOverflow - - Suggestions


    Forget to mention, sensor phalanx in hands of good player with average game knowledge is already very powerful thing that change game process for any player around. Why You want to make it more powerful?!

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    StackOverflow - - Suggestions


    @Blackmass You want to withdraw under lanx tactical move such as take "infinity" amount of cargos and send them in 10 different slots to 10 different planets, take resources only in one of fleets and leave to attacker to think where is your recurses. In another words your suggestion is: buy fleet, moon, lanx and kill exactly who you need to kill. What next? New battle mechanism with sending to your target a ingame wallet attack: "I paid 100$ to wipe your fleet and take your resources. You want p…

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    StackOverflow - - Suggestions


    Against! Ogame was strategy game, lets keep in game something from this strategy.

  • Multilanguage Interface

    StackOverflow - - Suggestions


    There is a few communities that have a better online then summary online of another countries: Could you add option to setup different display language (player side) at less in biggest communities to keep in game players from died communities? P.S. This function already exist at most of pirate servers.

  • @Guritchi Think that We spend our time here, a week after opening of this thread there is no reaction from team. As few people said to me in private discussions, they asked a lot of times to reopen 35org universe and was ignored be project COMA. Thread can be closed, GG to Gameforge and best wishes to Ogame.

  • One more example of incorrect balancing of game:…dat&univers=_1&statview=0 (Hidden Content)

  • Quote from TGWo: “Quote from StackOverflow: “Could you explain exactly why and how it make an easy game? ” 1) with relocation you don't lose resources, don't lose time, don't lose production, don't lose moon .............. I hope I don't have to explain where is lose of resources, time and production2) with relocation you can create a planet in a position where max size and then move in a position where max is production of energy or deuterium (where normally if you created planet you had less p…

  • I found servers statistic: (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) What we see here: 1) Percent of active players in big communities at new servers is about 50% 2) Very high percent of VM 3) High percent of banned players Someone could say why?

  • In any case player that receive account need to know what he got from giving side before approve it. Giver may make mistake and send wrong code, maybe giver play in server on language that can't even read... As any developer know, users are idiots:

  • Quote from TGWo: “Quote from StackOverflow: “Planet relocation isn't pay to win future, buy resource and fast building any thing is pay to win. ” that it is what you think ........... for me also relocation is pay to win, or pay to have an easy game. ” Could you explain exactly why and how it make an easy game? Dear Team and Developers, Our idea interesting for you? there is a lot of balance moments inside this broadly speaking, if we what bake this idea to next stage we should hear your opinion…

  • Quote from TGWo: “around how any games are freetoplay and how many paytoplay ? ” Wrong question that born from idea that "it's better to be part of herd". Quote from TGWo: “I'm not a very espert of sector, but personally i know or see banner about many freetoplay and i know perhaps one paytoplay. ” Lets name p2p project: GUILD WARS 1 and 2 (one time pay) FINAL FANTASY XIV Eve online WORLD OF WARCRAFT TESO All this games are from MMORPG category, client base games, that require top hardware PC an…

  • I forgot one of the biggest Ogame communities: People lost they interest in game? I don't think so, they just got dopamine and travel to next server for more free dopamine. For business it should be better to redirect game to different way, way of "long time MMO strategy game" - and it possible only with p2p model.

  • Quote from TGWo: “Nice to read your ideas, but did you thought that any part wrote is an increase in cost of production ? So if you increase cost, you have to be sure to increase incoming more more that actual incoming. 1) if i have to pay to play, i want to be sure that support is h24 ........... but this want to say to pay someone to work in support 2) if i pay, i want to see fast resolve of bug and often upgrade ............ but this want to say to hire more developers (that want to be paid) …

  • Quote from Guritchi: “You are sure that these superpowerful top 1 players you are referring to indeed pay to win ? they may have just started right at the beginning of the universe and managed their empire well ? ” Yes, this player bought lot of resources in last event "100 MIO Resources" when someone forgot to exclude new universe. piink know this case. Quote from Guritchi: “In anycase, I get your point. But even for 5-10$ per month, I don't know if it will attract a lot of players ” Before mak…

  • Quote from Guritchi: “5). A more efficient shipdock (at least in some universe) could help players to rebuild their fleet quicker. ” 5 can't exist in p2w model, now if someone destroy your fleet you spend DM to buy resource and fast creating of recyclers and after that fast building of fleet again. In this case, we play a strategy or wallets fight? In same situation at p2p model, after that player lost his fleet he get automatic massage from company: Quote from NoNe: “Dear Commander, Our special…

  • Quote from Guritchi: “Most still active players played for a long time or at least used to play. ” More people still active play or much more leave the game in years Ogame transformed to more and more money dependent and less social-economy? Quote from Guritchi: “not all suggestions are good, but some ought to be gold. ” We here to talk about ideas, you welcome to say exactly with what and why you can't agree.

  • Quote from TGWo: “1) why do you want also relocation ? Game was better when using mobile planet ” It's must expensive premium option that could change gameplay for players with miner style game, also it is not a pay to win option. No one prevent you from using mobile planets, or I am don't know something? Why you think it could be wrong to leave this option? Quote from TWGo: “2) what will happen if few players want to pay to play ? ” No one prevent gameforge from announces this server, make a hy…

  • Quote from StackOverflow: “8 ) Fair rates (increase economy rates, x1 fleets) ” I mean a new, dynamic, rates system, in next common lines: (The goal is make reasonable to start play in this universe even after a year and continue to play after big lost) 1) Basic rates are x1 of/for all 2) For active subscription every player get commanders. 3) Boosters (10/20/30% for Metal, Cristal, Deuterium) and another paid staff in use to fix (1)*median power of players and new/after VM player get access to …

  • My suggestion is to create a International server in pay to play model. The kind of changes to game process: 1) Free game up to know amount of game points. 2) Functionality of the DM are only: Officers and transfer of planets. 3) Game became in monthly subscription after "know amount of game points" . 4) No DM in the expeditions. 5) Increased effect of the ships dock (to keep players in the project after big battles) 6) Paid vacation mode (for activation). 7) All rules of the game and restrictio…