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  • Graviton Tech

    QTEKK - - Archive - Suggestions


    I like the idea, if this indeed also works vice versa. In case the defender has a higher number than the attacker, this should lower the chance. I would say +1 if it also works vice versa.

  • OGame for multi platform

    QTEKK - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi OGame community, Would it not be great if OGame was available by apps to install at Windows 10 computers, Windows phones, Android phones and IOS phones as well? Maybe this is possible in short time frame since the IOS app is already available, only should be created for small displays as well. The Windows 10 app, I think, is an easier job but hopefully it will come soon as well. Best regards, QTEKK

  • Emperor research

    QTEKK - - Archive - Suggestions


    True ErikFyr, however not all universes do have such thing and it cannot be introduced in there in a later stage of the universe.

  • Emperor research

    QTEKK - - Archive - Suggestions


    It can change over time in my opinion but of course that depends on how many people like the idea for static or dynamic based on honor points. In this case I am talking about the costs to move ships, not creation.

  • Emperor research

    QTEKK - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi OGame community, Another suggestion out of my suggestion box: kind of an emperor research. What does it mean? With emperor research you allow people based on honor points to have x% less costs in deut each flight. For example: - Emperor research level 1 - 1% with 0 > 100.000 honor points, 2% with 100.000 > 200.000 honor points, 3% with 200.000+ - Emperor research level 2 - 4% with 0 > 100.000 honor points, 5% with 100.000 > 200.000 honor points, 6% with 200.000+ - Emperor research level 3 - 7…

  • Hi OGame community, There are many choices of fleet and defensive structures these days, however I do not have the feeling that the player has control over what he will build to fight against. In other words, a better focus to fight certain defenses like rocket launchers or plasma's or a certain defense to focus more on heavy fighters or destroyers instead. A new research, rocket technology should be implemented to do so. How can we realise such thing? Each fleet and defense option has a certain…