Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 39.

  • The simplest answer to this request is: Undoable if you want to have support at all If a GO wants to do his or her job correctly he will take every bit of information into account he can get. I dont even see what you want to achieve with that except for making a GO's work impossible. Imagine a simple moonshot ticket: "I did a MS with ErikFyr, can u check if we did it right" => answer: "Sorry, i cannot tell who ErikFyr is in the game"

  • Reduce ACS Defending cost

    Lord_ - - Archive - Suggestions


    It shouldnt be for free to defend on foreign planets/moons since you aquire an advantage by it already. You basically pay for the possibility to defend someone else. Defending is already easier than attacking, do not make it easier, by reducing the costs, so that everyone who stacks in one system can ACS defend for nothing...

  • Like you say, you are comparing the values for uneven battles...obviously there are only two things relevant: Fuel cost and speed. Both high on the battlecruiser. What you do not take into account is, that the battlecruiser can be defeated easily by a number of ships, when combined correctly. Even bombers outmatch the battlecruiser in a 1v1 situation. If you have 10 times your enemie's fleet size balancing doesnt really matter at all and therefore should not be discussed in said situation ;-).

  • Hello Mylil, over the years that I've spent in OGame I encountered a lot of "balancing-related" discussions. Most of them saying either that deathstars and battle cruiser are overpowered or that battleships and heavy fighters are too weak. First of all I want to point out that I liked the way you approached a possible solution by adjusting the fuel costs. However when talking about balancing severel things come into play. Before I get started I want to state out how balancing can be compared: - …

  • I personally find it to be a good idea, however its effects are too great right now. Maybe half the increase would fit better?

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    Good news JoKy Dealing with these issues in a static way will not work out. The only real workaround would be to teach everyone to save correctly. However, to start up a new idea...PLS DONT IMPLEMENT IT INSTANTLY...What about a really slow increase in Deathstar destruction chance if you try to rip a x-times weaker target. Conditions: - This rule only applies to players with fleets that are 1/4 or smaller compared to your own fleet. - This rule only applies to players whose fleets are smaller tha…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    Quote from Lord_: “As long as you cannot tell me and/or explain to me why someone cannot defend against moon destruction by playing correctly, I will be against this limitation. ” No answer so far

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    I guess you are misunderstanding. Most of the good fleeters I know are in V-mode because they want to be free of OGame when they are not playing. All of them like to play the game and after 1 or 2 days they want to have 1 or 2 days off, without having to do a single click, that s why they v-mode. Considering the annoying part: - players who keep calling you a "no-lifer" or "dumb" or even worse - players who try to attack you with 1 ship to make the warning sign show up - players who "steal" your…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    JoKy, I guess you are mistaking in a point. 1. If I register in a 4x universe, I willingly accept that everything runs faster. That's why I go there...I want to feel the rush, when time is running short because everyone needs less time to attack. Limiting Moon Destruction is counterintuitive to the idea of giving players faster universes. As you said: 4x = 4 times more ressources = 4 times more fleet != 4 times the cost for Moon Destruction because then 4x is useless. You can have more ressource…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    So, since this is going on testservers, I feel like answering once more... I will go over a few points and things that were said: Quote from Minion: “But, PLEASE, think about changing the overall speed of RIPs. That would be a major game changer, bigger than this proposal. RIPs would lose a lot of power, they couldn't be used as they currently are by people that have been years building RIP fleets: no moving resources at current speed, no farming at current speed, and no attacking at current spe…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    Quote from Minion: “he idea is simple, the main reason fleeters can't play against bigger forces (that in x1 speed universes can be done, but not in high speed) is the fact that moons are made out of paper. You can go to sleep one day, and wake up with 14 moons poped. Which stops any kind of intention to play. ” The main reson why fleeters can't play against bigger forces is because they lack the necessary knowledge or what many players refer to as "skill". Losing several moons is part of the ga…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    As I have stated above, I do not see why a fast universe needs to be slowed down, when everyone knows what he/she is signing up for. It works right now. The changes only make stuff harder which is already the hardest in the game ;-). Deployment recall saves are not easy to retime even in fast universes...making it even harder is just a cheap way of easening the game for less active players who have a loose save habbit. In other words: Slowing the moon destruction process will just move the 4x sp…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord_ - - Suggestions


    Nice try, but I would refer to it and keep it as a 'try'. Supposedily it's the speed universe's job to be fast, in every aspect. When I start in a 4x universe, I want to have fast deathstars even for moon destructions. Why? Because the gameplay stays intense and interesting. It takes skill, time and sometimes it gets so fast you can barely keep up calculating retimes and time defends at the same time. Slow rips mean more security in a game where attacking a good player is nearly impossible or is…

  • Sounds quite good

  • The English definetly has to be updated here. I don see a tactic...just a basic description of a moon destruction. There is no analysis about why and how you would want to do it.

  • Is there any conclusion to your analysis?

  • Guides list

    Lord_ - - Wiki



  • Guide 05: Fleeter

    Lord_ - - DE - German


    to be done

  • Guide 02: Miner

    Lord_ - - DE - German


    Jeder Spieler kann in OGame seine eigene Spielstrategie finden und entwickeln. Dieser Guide beschäftigt sich mit einigen Aspekten wenn man OGame als Miner spielen möchte. ==Was ist ein Miner== Ein Miner zeichnet sich vor allem dadurch aus, dass sein Hauptressourceneinkommen von seiner eigenen Produktion stammt. Es ist vor allem zu Anfang schwer als purer Miner im Spielgeschehen voran zu kommen, weshalb man das Farmen von zum Beispiel Inaktiven in Erwägung ziehen sollte. Als Miner zu spielen benö…

  • Guide 01: Spielstile

    Lord_ - - DE - German


    OGames Schönheit ist es, dass jeder Spieler seinen eigenen Spielstil entwickeln kann. Dieser Spielstil kann sich außerdem zu jeder Zeit ändern. Es gibt hauptsächlich zwei Arten zu spielen: Fleeter und Miner. Diese Spielstile kann man frei zu unzähligen Spielstilen kombinieren. Somit kann jeder Spieler seinen eigenen Weg finden um im Highscore aufzusteigen, manche schneller, manche langsamer und dafür gleichmäßiger. ==Miner== Ein Miner besitzt als Hauptressourcenquelle sehr hohe Minen und handelt…