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Search results 1-20 of 97.

  • In-game battle simulator

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    Agree with @Parsec I really prefer having multiple tabs of my possible attacks, plus @Warsaalk new feature (in tab coords) it’s wonderful

  • Like a Dark Matter pool across all universes in the same region?

  • @Warsaalk is a coding machine Sadly most is PHP , but he is a true contributor and an important player in this community. Thanks again for your awesome job buddy!

  • phalanx sensors filters

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    I agree with @TGWo it’s part of the skill of the player to catch it. But that action should be penalized also. It’s like a last option resource to save someone’s fleet. So after the impact it should be punished as spam.

  • Inactive storage levels

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    Interesting, but technically talking a high level inactive account, for example a bunker, would have an advantage if it can defend itself. Of course it would take 28 days, but after that if I understand correctly, would be like playing with infinite storage? (Just thinking the possibilities) Thanks for the lore, I really like it

  • Moving account to another domain

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    It’s a good idea and I have proposed it in the past, the only problem is finding the right moment to avoid destroying a an universe

  • Purchased DM

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    lol, I want to see his paycheck. (You owe me a beer @TGWo ) No, they do not pay us. Just think about this... we do not have pillory for a similar reason to this. Some might agree other might not. But these are the game rules, and you will always find people with different perspectives. What’s really important, is that both voice sides have the chance to express their opinions

  • Purchased DM

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    As @TGWo said before, that’s a privacy violation @visoki. This will never happen. And as a big buyer (not proud) I would not like to be on top for buying near 5k usd, and I’m sure I would buy less with that

  • Purchased DM

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    I think he is talking the total DM (yourself) bought

  • I really like this one! And the explanation is really OGame style

  • BBcode Alliance

    Charlie - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hi @Raszagal! I think this thread will help you to clarify this and many other doubts Now regarding 2) I do not exactly remember if the different versions of phpBB influence in this, but the spoiler bbcode, it’s an extension that need to be created as it’s not part of the BBCode defaults. That could be the reason why you can see it in this forum and not in the alliance page

  • Quote from Ic4ro: “I don't think it's an acceptable option.Many people play different devices throughout the day, for example I change from the PC at home to the cell phone, to the work PC, and to the cell phone again.It would be very tedious to have to request a code so many times a day. ” That’s not actually a problem for an authenticator. As it will only be requested for new devices

  • Love it! I also created a thread about using an Authenticator in the past. Hope we are lucky!

  • Quote from jerome020040: “for that people with just use dm the already do it and 'll keep on it ” clicking takes time. And lets do the best scenario 9999 xx ships every 2 seconds Now let’s say I can do LF in milliseconds... that when things get worse. Do not think I do not like your idea, I do like it. But seeing your idea together with the others as removing the 9999 ships amounts per block make noise in my head

  • I like your idea. But I think the purpose of this is to not generate tons of ships/defenses when an attack is about to come.

  • The legend says that game artists based on @Valent

  • Part time universe

    Charlie - - Suggestions


    There is no excuse in OGame. If an alliance of 82 years olds grandparents can play in OGame Argentina (Search for PAMI alliance) you can definitely do it!

  • Looks really good! There was an old site before OGame Redesign which had four share types. I think that with that two options is more than enough, and the fact of adding fuel cost is also nice. Congratz @ofkologlu! P.S: Let me know if you need help with translations, .AR, .ES and .MX gonna love it!

  • Is a valid point. I was thinking of a way to let the game help you to see how you enemies/allies are built

  • I like it too! But I would like to make it even better! What about displaying a color if the player is a super fleet guy or if if only go for mines or a mix? Like... red ferraris for ships based green for big miners orange for mix/more balanced