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  • Great news! I will update the plugin as soon as it became available. Thank you for the awesome work!

  • Quote from RiV-: “Quote from G_Unit: “Also, the cargo capacity is not being calculated correctly when you select the cargo on the first step of the fleet page, it always selects more ships than necessary. ” It is, but you use some of the Deut to fly. ” Yes, you are right. I guess it was some bug, restarted the browser and now it works perfect. This still isn't though: Quote from G_Unit: “Hi Riv, just installed your version and I found that using the X button to delete all displayed messages does…

  • Also, the cargo capacity is not being calculated correctly when you select the cargo on the first step of the fleet page, it always selects more ships than necessary.

  • Hi Riv, just installed your version and I found that using the X button to delete all displayed messages doesn't work correctly, instead of deleting all messages it deletes one by one, so if you have 10 messages you need to click the X 10 times. Another thing I noticed is when you have a bunch of spy reports, and you click the delete symbol at the end of each one in the list below, it acts like it deleted the message, but when you reload the page the message is back again on the list. The only w…