Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 68.

  • Colonization disaster

    crusy - - General


    After trying in slot 13 for countless times (what a waste of colo ships) getting everything under 160 fields, one was only 34, I now got this: Diameter 13.344 km (0 / 178 fields) Temperature approx. -85°C to -45°C Position [X:X:13] Should I keep it or abandon this one too? Only slots 13 to 15 are still available to keep trying, most places.

  • Quote from JoKy: “Quote from crusy: “One thing I am missing in the FAQ (or did I oversee it?) Assume I have two Portal Accounts for my two games (or 2 OGame unis) using separate Email addresses. Can I play both games at the same time? Or will the cookies not be compatible, so that I can not log in on the portal multiple times in the same browser?” Nothing changed on OGame side. One Account per Browser on one server LG” I don't think you understand what I am saying. I have logged onto ogame-live.…

  • One thing I am missing in the FAQ (or did I oversee it?) Assume I have two Portal Accounts for my two games (or 2 OGame unis) using separate Email addresses. Can I play both games at the same time? Or will the cookies not be compatible, so that I can not log in on the portal multiple times in the same browser?

  • UniverseView website update

    crusy - - UniverseView


    I like it a lot. It is quite a step up from the previous one. The feature list is much clearer on what the addin can do for you then the wiki was.

  • Quote from RiV-: “Quote from Minion: “Just, out of curiosity, what would happen here:…r-bigboy-rio-td-1172-5bn/” This hit wouldn't have happened with the WF for sure. Defender came online shortly after and insta clicked 500k recs. With the WF, the attackers would have more losses than him and wouldn't even have attacked. ” This is not true. The 100 billion profit they made would stay. No one would have taken anything away from that. Where does it say he would have …

  • I've been using your sim for a while now but ran into a bit of a problem today. So I have a feature request I didn't notice that I had not got the techs of my target and ofc I won the simulated battle easily. I would like some warning or attacker techs = defender when the report does not have any techs in it.

  • How about a setting to tell your addin that AGO is also turned on?

  • Yes, I am. I did not know it has to do with that. Is there a work around? Other then using a different browser.....

  • Hello, I was just trying out UniverseView. I like the Idea a lot but it seems to break the AGO spy table and Expands the view on the spy reports. I can't understand what the Addin is doing on the message page. Does it provide something there that I don't already have with AGO? AGO adds the TrashSim button too. Also on Galaxy view the display of the DF is messed up with UV turned on.

  • Awesome! Your tool makes raiding inactives a lot more fun then just tedious res collecting.

  • The work around is to deactivate all the check boxes in the "message" area of the ago settings. Those functions don't work anyway.

  • I would like to see the "Average per CR" on the Profits page as well, mainly on the charts in the pop up and on the last profits details page. Mainly because it would be informative to see how well one is doing on a day to day basis.

  • Is it just me or does the time on messages not adjust for your time zone either?

  • In Quantum EN I can't get my event list to show below the galaxy view. In my other uni - Electra - it works. Any ideas? I want to thank you, Shole, for you continued support of antigame. It is nice to see that you are still improving it even after your initial v6 release.

  • Thanks for the fix for V6.0.12 ! Love this script!

  • Thank you Vulca! Very nice little script. I too am still looking for a script that will sort the reports based on Loot, Debris Field, Corrds, Defences and so on ,)

  • I was looking for it there, lol no I see, it loads very slowly. Not as useful that way either, long time inactive look the same as active players that are offline on first glance I can't see if someone has returned or hasn't for a longer time. I guess this goes to the suggestions area anyway. I wish to have it in a separate column. Can a moderator move it?

  • The unread messages counter on the envelope icon disappears when I view the message area, even though I still have unread messages in the "other" category. This is a minor irritation, I have often thought I have seen all messages and leave the messages only to see the message counter on the envelope to reappear. It is strange to have it go off and on like that.

  • I found it very useful to know how long my buddies have not logged into ogame anymore. This information should be added again.

  • The reports of enemy probes are cluttering up the area with my own probes. Besides being clutter there, having them in a different section ("other" comes to my mind) would help draw my attention to them when I am otherwise busy farming.