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  • Forum changes

    piink - - Origin


    From today on, it will not be possible to add posts into this forum. Please, use the OGame.ORG forum.

  • Dear community, today at 13:00 CEST, we will receive a lobby version and a game version in the PTS servers: The downtime should last for a few seconds. Lobby version 2.1.0 [Bug fix] Fixed an issue and that caused the lobby login to slowly get blocked when the login to one or more game rounds was not possible. [Bug fix] Fixed an issue that would come up when you tried to reset the password of an unlinked game account. The Game version 6.8.8 does not bring anything visible, but contain backend cha…

  • For sure it has not ben developed and it is not being baked yet. Still an idea hanging around.

  • Game version 6.8.6

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear community, there is a bug with the transport missions in the version we updated last week. When you transport resources to a planet from another player, the resources are not delivered and come back with the fleet. We are currently updating with a a hotfix version the PTS servers. We apologize for the inconvenience this might cause. Regards, Your OGame Team.

  • Game version 6.8.6

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear community, today we are updating the server with the version 6.8.6. The update will happen at 13:00 CEST. Changelog: [Feature] You can set up longer ship and defense queues (99999). Your OGame Team

  • Lobby version 1.5.0

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear community, a new Lobby version will be implemented in the PTS today at 12:30 CET. Changelog [New] A button has been added to the lobby so a player can directly start in the newest server. [Bug fix] Clicking on the support button of an account while being in a sitting doesn't log you in the support account of the sitted account any longer. Your OGame Team

  • The Jump Gates Update

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from Green Astronaut: “Last June, the monthly newspaper had an article about updating the jump gates. (Hidden Content) And since then, several months have passed. Please tell us if there are any news or details about this update? I hope this update is not frozen? ” Unfortunately the development of this feature has been stopped for the moment, which means it is not coming any time soon.

  • When the feature requests are forwarded they are evaluated by the game team and the people in the game team are who make the study of what affects/doesn't affect and how things could improve/destroy the gameplay in the short and long run. The announced feature is the result of this process and that is how it is being implemented in the game.

  • Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    piink - - Suggestions


    I'm thinking this is more of a late Valentines present/ pre Easter one.

  • Game version 6.8.5

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello! We are updating the PTS today with a new version. The update will happen at 14:00 CET. Changelog: [Feature] Hyperspace technology adds now 2% of cargo capacity to all ships per level. It starts from level 1. Have a nice weekend, Your OGame Team

  • The feature has been developed and is almost ready to come in one of our next versions.

  • Hello! The following versions will be applied into the PTS servers today at around 13:00 CET. Changelog Lobby 1.4.2 [Feature] The News Hub has a mobile view. [Feature] The ban reason is displayed when an account is banned. [Bug fix] The info icon in the hint message of the account transfer is displayed in the correct position. [Bug fix] The field to redeem a code is now centered. [Bug fix] The links box is properly displayed in IE11 [Bug fix] When an account is gifted through Ipad the game accou…

  • Lobby version 1.4.2

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello, the version 1.4.2 was just applied in the PTS servers. Changelog: [New] The news Hub in the Lobby have better mobile view now. [Bug fix] In the account gift section, the info icon at the hint message has the correct position. [Bug fix] The field to redeem a gifting/sitting code is now centered [Bug fix] The links box are now properly displayed on IE 11 Have a nice weekend!

  • Lobby version 1.4.0

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear community, within the next 30 minutes we will have an update on the PTS Lobby. With this update we are bringing the following features: [New] News hub: a site where you will find game news as well as links of interest. [New] Account trade: it is possible to gift/trade accounts through a token. [New] Micropage: completely new players will land in a new page with information about the game. [Bug fix] Universes' age in days is displayed properly on IE 11 now.

  • 11.12: Game update 6.8.3

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear community, the game version 6.8.3 will be applied to the PTS at 13:30 CET today. This version contains: [Feature] Relocation can be done to the outer areas ( 1-3 or 13-15) when having a planet on 4-12. [Bugfix] Deletion mails are not sent to accounts with DM now. Your OGame Team

  • Game version 6.7.4

    piink - - Test Server


    Good morning, today at 11:00 we are updating the servers intot he game version 6.7.4. Changelog: [Bugfix] The system sends now a mail 5 days before deleting an inactive account. Regards, Your OGame Team

  • Lobby Update on PTS- Version 1.2.0

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear community, tomorrow 20th of September at 10:00 CEST we will start a maintenance at the lobby. There won't be any visible changes after the maintenance, but due to a database migration within the update it won't be possible to log in in your PTS accounts once this maintenance starts. This maintenance could take up to an hour. Accounts that are already logged in after the night server reset won't be logged out while this maintenance is happening. Your OGame Team.

  • Forum Issues

    piink - - Origin


    Dear players, you will have noticed that our forums have been secured in a way that made them inaccessible for you since Friday night. We'd like to apologise for this inconvenience, especially since the forums are our number one method of conveying information to you. However, this was necessary to maintain a high level of security and caution. There has been a security issue which needed to be addressed in a quick and reasonable manner which made it necessary to fully restrict access to the inv…

  • Unfortunately due to a current investigation we cannot tolerate this tool until the situation is clarified. Please take into account from now on and until we clarify the situation whoever uses this tool uses it under his/her own responsibility. I am closing this thread as the discussion here has gon way too far.

  • 17.09- Beta system + Oclock feature

    piink - - Test Server


    Dear players, on Monday, 17th of September we will have an update in the PST. With this update, we will activate a Beta System that players will be able to set up through the Settings button. When the Beta function is active, you will be able to test and vote for almost finished features that will be implemented only through this system. How to activate the Beta system: - Go to your settings page. - The beta system is located under the extended menu tab. Click on it. - Opt in if you want to see …