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  • Quote: “Hyperspace Tech Level / Met / Crys / Deut / Fuel % Reduction 8 / 0 / 512.000 / 256.000 / 1.5% 9 / 0 / 1.024.000 / 512.000 / 3% 10 / 0 / 2.048.000 / 1.024.000 / 4.5% 11 / 0 / 4.096.000 / 2.048.000 / 6% 12 / 0 / 8.192.000 / 4.096.000 / 7.5% 13 / 0 / 16.384.000 / 8.192.000 / 9% 14 / 0 / 32.768.000 / 16.384.000 / 10.5% 15 / 0 / 65.536.000 / 32.768.000 / 12% 16 / 0 / 131.072.000 / 65.536.000 / 13.5% 17 / 0 / 262.144.000 / 131.072.000 / 15% 18 / 0 / 524.288.000 / 262.144.000 / 16.5% 19 / 0 / 1…

  • new ship- small rec

    Arazern - - Archive - OGame Planet


    This idea has made most wanted on US community and would like to ask for this to be promoted.

  • Miners dont use vmode even if they are going to be away for several days they just randomly log in and spend some res to keep from being farmed, the deut cost to fs from g1 to g9 with a rip is nothing so this will only impact fleeters that play 24 hours and crash for 24 in vmode. They are abusing a system that is there for when you cant be around not because you need some sleep.

  • I dont want to change vmode for the ones who use it once or twice a month, its the ones who comes out probe like crazy and than vmode so they dont need to vmode, or worse they come out in system and MD the crap out of players and vmode before players get back online if the fleet is not on lanx. I have seen that IPMs are being thought on not allowing to IPM 24 hours after vmode, hell if they did that with MD i think players who dont abuse the vmode fs would be happier too. Its not about the ones …

  • But its the ones who abuse it and vmode is not there to fs its there for real life obligations, it hurts any speed uni especially when its times 5 or 4 when you can sit in vmode for 24 hours watching target pop out and MD and go back in before player can do anything about it. Im sure these players are not the ones making sure ogame is to be played long term but rather short term and kill anything without any personal risk, i believe this coming in and out of vmode to avoid being hit back is agai…

  • I dont know about the other speed unis but had 12 hours than it was taken to 24 due to vm abuse to fs, id like to see vm 48 not matter what the speed of the uni.

  • There is a raging debate on the ORG server about vmode abuse, people in speed unis dont have to wait 48 hours to come out, now it has been changed once from 12 hours to 24 hours, but i would like to see it moved to the same as normal unis, the reason people need to go into vmode is not related to speed therefore there is a good arguement to move all vmode to 48 regardless of speed of the uni.

  • Inactive players (I)

    Arazern - - Archive - OGame Planet


    New players farm inactives, high ranked players dont bother, hence its a great feeding ground for the newer players, i personally think that inactives should always produce res and help new players grow faster, on US server it has a lot of support.

  • Quote from kendiraton: “@Arazern, I would say your boards are down under (just kidding - after I saw your "location" in your profile ^^) @Kamil, you say there is no point? I disagree! And I say why... I'm factual (no offense, Francolino) Arazern & Kamil, you are right, but only for some (old) universes. But there are still some universes with more than 3 or 4k players (even if there are some with less than 800). One example:, which started in August 2009 (exactly 2 years ago +/- som…

  • Quote from UNoWin: “Quote from WeTeHa: “Correct. We already adjust our formula so it is not necessary to change it again. :)” Thats just wrong. Your adjustion is bad, to weak and - i'm sorry - nonsense. Terraformer10 costs a huge amount of resources so its pretty unlikely, that anybody will ever get near terraformer 11 oder 12. With this in mind your change will provide 5 extra fields. Thats just nothing. It changes nothing. The idea in this thread could change the terraformer in a way that you …

  • We have the whole merging of unis going on an idea a player had in my uni was simple even with speed unis if there is no plan to merge why not merge it into a frsh uni, the old account with DM stay in the exodeus uni and playing accounts move over. From there on if an account goes inactive with DM it gets moved to the exodeus uni awaiting its revival if ever it would happen and get moved for a cost of DM to the active uni. People really do get sick of inactives choking the universe up, this coul…

  • I dont see any issues with this and to some players they might find it handy, it defo would be helpful for low accounts to know who is inactive for easier raids and thus helping keeping players in the game.

  • @kendiraton the following is a post in the replies on our boards. Quote from CoReTeX: “judging by the fact that new unis here have approx 3k to max 4k players, and the normal universe with 9 galaxies has 4491 systems with 15 possible planets.... that gives us 67.365 theoretical possible planets minus about 10 for basic accs ( legor, comagf, admin + Staff accs ) so lets just say 67.350. divided by 4000 players ( yeah i'm being optimistic here ) we have an average of 16,8 planets per player... let…

  • Quote: “Special Uni Feature : Astrophysics Upgrade I'd love to see this idea ogame wide, but I know better than to ask! Instead I think this would be really fun and interesting for one of the "specials" in a new Universes forthcoming. Instead of gaining the ability to make a colony every other level of astrophsics, why not make it EVERY level of astrophysics you get a new colony slot? For example: Level 1 = 1 colony; Level 2 = 2 colonies; Level 3 = 3 colonies; Etc, Etc. I think Miners would get …

  • First off let me say i like this idea, i have often wondered why we need to wait so long on research to start with, this will increase the speed overall not increase the speed of each research. Maybe we can take something from the Astro research to help guide how many researches can be done, everyone starts with the ability to research one research so we can call this N, now i dont think the research increase should be huge so lets just increase it slowly as you IRN increases. Proposed Formula A…

  • I cant for the life of me figure out why this was never done in orignal concept. I dont have a problem with the report saying how many defenses were destroyed, you stilll need to keep tally and probe later anyway.