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Search results 1-20 of 126.

  • ahh okay.... didn'y know about that. But tinypic also reduse the size a bit

  • i know that. All these pics are uploaded through tinypic..... It was just because I have made some sigs and got complains about the size - thought it was uploaded through tinypic.... But maybe they didn't...

  • More and more people want a signature with no background. Only png can have that, but it's heavier than a jpg. I don't understand why you have a max size in pixel and then say it can only be 60 kb... not even a jpg pic in the max size is that low in kb unless you save it in low quality. In .no we can have 200 kb as max with max wide 600 pixel and max high 250 pixel. When saving a jpg, you can adjust how it's saved from low to maximum quality, but you can't do that with png. To get under 60 kb th…

  • what will be the cost of the upgades?

  • Like it! It would also be great, if it was possible to pause the engineer for e short while, during MS in unis with deff to DF.

  • OGame 4.0 Information Thread

    restlesz - - ES AR MX - Spanish


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  • I know you can choose your gender in other games, like for ex Bite Fight. Not sure how easy/difficult it is to give players the option to choose gender in Ogame, though. But since I'm also a female, and also from Norway, I will give this suggestion my vote I know there might not be as many girls playing Ogame, as there's boys, but I do know a few

  • I know you can choose your gender in other games, like for ex Bite Fight. Not sure how easy/difficult it is to give players the option to choose gender in Ogame, though. But since I'm also a female, and also from Norway, I will give this suggestion my vote I know there might not be as many girls playing Ogame, as there's boys, but I do know a few

  • If you guys would read what was said.... Not all miners have moons, and since they don't have colonies in both g1 and g9, they really can't fs their cargos for 24 houes in system in a 4x speed uni. It's not posible to deploy in system for that long, and to fs otherwise is suiside, without a moon. And yes - I know a lot of miners, that fs their cargos at night. Not ALL miners just pops in once a day or twice a week.Turtles on the other hand, ... they just logg in once a week or so - but they have…

  • I just sent the 1000 LF that was on the other planet in the same system as the planet he was attacking - and he didn't check for activity or safty prob. So it was a very easy ninja hehehe

  • This guy - 10 systems away - spied on my two planets in the same system, and found out that he couldn't take down what was on one of the planets, but could make a small profit on the other planet, so off he goes... Now, aleju - if you can't survive, what's on the second planet, it might be a good idea to check for activity and/or saftyprob, to see if something has arrived, before you do..... Since the LF was made for ms, it was a win, win for me to sent off the LF and to lose what I lost of LF -…

  • Quote from Flippy: “And sorry, but if you aren't able to save properly over 24 hours, maybe a speeduni is not the right thing for you. If one can't handle the conditions of a speeduni, one should play differently or in a slower universe.” That means you want to take away a playing style? The miner style? Which is a very important style for the game? ( as you might know - they very often have their planets all in the same system or in the next few systems) Then you will only have fleeters in 4x u…

  • Hehehe Nice, and gratz Some people never learn, you know - and I guess that's good for you

  • Yes, it's too much - espesially for speed unis

  • This might give you a clue that the next lvl cost... There's so many great calculators around, so I really don't think it's need to have all that info in the game. Too much info can be confusion, too And people have to do some work by them self, to find out things.

  • This might give you a clue that the next lvl cost... There's so many great calculators around, so I really don't think it's need to have all that info in the game. Too much info can be confusion, too And people have to do some work by them self, to find out things.

  • Quote: “ Gravitons, astrophysics, jumpgate, are now just 2 clicks away... ” First of all, I would never spend even one single click on graviton Second, now this is more or less just for those who spend a lot of money on DM. You can't buy these clicks for ress. I have made a suggestion for redusing the time of research, that would be for everybody, and that's to make a new research that does the same for reseach as nanite does for buildings and shipyard Nanite for research I know it's dificult to…

  • Ahhh Lovely except for the moon, of course... Hehehe Gratz with a nice profit 8ball, and glwrb, defender

  • First of all... I'm NOT GA HERE! And that's important. I am a normal player, testing the public testserver, just as you are. In .no where I AM GA, in 4 out of 5 unis, I "have to" behave, when I comments in those 4 sections where I am GA, but If I can't play and interact with other players in a uni where I play as a normal player, where's the fun in that, then? And you guys do want the team members to know a little about the game, don't you? Next, So it's okay for you to flame others? 1) Biggest …

  • Hmm, not quite sure which "Biggest Noob got ownd" here... The one, that lost his fleet to a bug - or a miscalculated fs - what ever... Or the one that can't secure a DF, so the Defender get's it all, no matter using dm on robots or not... Beside, a delay on robots should not be more than 5 minutes anyway. In addition to lose the whole DF, so this actually gives a big fat minus in the profit, you also make it public by posting this, whining about not getting the DF and gives the game the blame fo…