Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 29.

  • Martinooo' web-shop!- Affordable for everyone..                                                           [OPΞN] Hello everyone! Today is Martinooo's online web-shop(just for fun) finally open and ready for trade-partners! TRADING PRICE is between:2,5:1,5:1 and 2:1:1 EVERYDAY I SELL:- 100.000(100k) of deuterium - SOMETIMES I SELL:- I edit this thread in this section and write if i got METAL og CRYSTAL to trade with -- It can be every week, every day, every hour - so stay close! - Kind RegardsMar…

  • Selling D E U T E R I U M

    Martinooo - - Archive


    Ingame Nick: Martinooo Still got 30k for sale

  • Selling D E U T E R I U M

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I'm selling 40k deuterium for CRYSTAL PM ME INGAME

  • Selling metal

    Martinooo - - Archive


    Still 100k left to trade with!

  • Selling metal

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I'm selling 150k metal.. And i got Large Cargos btw.. Metal - Crystal is the rate 2:1 Metal - Deuterium is the rate 3:1

  • Im selling metal and crystal for deuterium. PM me ingame: Martinooo

  • D E U T E R I U M for C R Y S T A L!

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I'm still selling Crystal for Deuterium! Now i also trade metal for deuterium - i need deuterium so bad!

  • D E U T E R I U M for C R Y S T A L!

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I still have tons of crystal for trading!

  • D E U T E R I U M for C R Y S T A L!

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I'm buying DEUTERIUM for CRYSTAL. PM me ingame: Martinooo

  • Selling Deut for Crystal

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I will offer 11k crystal for your 10k deuterium.

  • Unofficial English discussion thread

    Martinooo - - General


    Am i the only one with a problem with bbcodes working in alliance-text(s)? The only one there works for me is image..

  • Selling Met for Deu! 4x1

    Martinooo - - Archive


    Quote from Paindeliver: “Quote from Martinooo: “You can't trade with that course.. You can only trade between 3:2:1 and 2:1:1. Except the player you're trading with are lower you in rank. If not, both of you will be banned for push.. Just sayin' - Good luck with your trade!” That's why he mentioned ONLY players below top 300!” And i first saw that AFTER i have posted my comment.. Sorry for that, my bad.

  • Selling Met for Deu! 4x1

    Martinooo - - Archive


    You can't trade with that course.. You can only trade between 3:2:1 and 2:1:1. Except the player you're trading with are lower you in rank. If not, both of you will be banned for push.. Just sayin' - Good luck with your trade!

  • 1st colony

    Martinooo - - General


    My first colony was on 196 areals - totally fine - on spot 4. And yes, you get highest chance to get a planet within the high-end of sizes by colonizing on spot, 4, 5 and 6.

  • Ally bbcodes

    Martinooo - - General



  • Ally bbcodes

    Martinooo - - General


    Is it the [img]picture.jpg[\img] you got problem with? If yes, try another uploader - it works for me yesterday after trying all day to get it work... Good luck, anyway![/img]

  • Buying Crystal for Metal

    Martinooo - - Archive


    You can't sell 3 units of metal for 1 crystal. If the person is above you he will be banned for push. The toleraded courses are 3:2:1 to 2:1:1 Good luck, sir!

  • Sell Metal For Crystal - 2:1:1

    Martinooo - - Archive


    Like i said in topic. I'm selling 40k metal for the course of 2:1:1 for crystal. It can't be true NO ONES want to sell me crystal to the lowest price... Please PM me ingame!

  • I am buying Crystal!

    Martinooo - - Archive


    Now to the course 2:1:1! Hurry up fellows!

  • I am buying Crystal!

    Martinooo - - Archive


    I have Metal in exchange. I need 20k crystal all in all, please. Big og small trades - i dont care, im in deep need! PM me ingame fast!