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  • I'm a new player; I don't have any addons running.

  • From this screen, right? When the person's name is red, it didn't warn me that sending a probe would designate me an outlaw, it just marked me and sent the probe willy nilly.

  • I *thought* it was a bug, but when I brought it up with game support, they said it was "working as intended" and to "bring it up as a suggestion." Would I be able to get my outlaw status fixed, since it actually *is* a bug? :v

  • When you probe from the galaxy screen and would get an outlaw designation from 'attacking' this person, the game warns you and asks you if you would like to proceed. However! The game does not warn you if you probe someone from your past espionage messages, i.e. when you want to update on their strength. So you probe someone, find out how strong they are, and then a day or two later you want to update on that information. However, they've gotten stronger in the meantime, and now you'd get an out…