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  • Combining ships

    Bleu - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hello, After some criticism I'll explain idea of combining ships and get some new. Firstly we know that we need lot's of cargo's for transporting huge amount of resources. So there could be a possibility to combine small cargo and huge cargo ships and get new cargo ship, which could have 50k or 100k space and hyperdrive.

  • Some improvements

    Bleu - - Archive - Suggestions


    Gravitons level 2 and level 3 Well, yes, that increase power of the RIP, when you research gravitons 2 or 3, your attack range could be only 20 players below your rank. So one rip with gravitons level 3 could kill all defense. Need to discuss and find how to keep balance, I have a concept and visions only. Antimatter technology and antimatter missiles or beam gun on deathstar. Why not? When you are able to do this, you must think why are you doing this. Maybe this could be allowed to kill player…

  • Well, I sent rip to destroy inactive player moon, if there would be debris it would be great. Not all moons could left debris, sometimes no debris, sometimes less, sometimes huge. Secondly, players won't be able press "occupy" button if there is already occupied moon. For keep balance, maybe only those who have a rip can proceed this action.

  • Jumpgates

    Bleu - - Archive - Suggestions


    Yes, player A could start an attack from player B moon, also player A can keep his fleet on players B moon, but player B won't be able to use player A fleet and yes both players must be in the same ally.

  • Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    Bleu - - Suggestions


    Suggest two things. After research of gravitons level 1, there could be ability to combine three ships (recyler, s.cargo, l.cargo) into the one and get new ship with huge space for resources, hyperdrive and combat power similar to heavy fighter or cruiser.

  • Some improvements

    Bleu - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hello, I would like to share some ideas of game improvement. As long as I playing this game I noticed few things. Gravitons level 2 and level 3 Gravitons level 2 could allow destroying 70% of defense structures and gravitons level 3 could allow destroying all defense structures and 70% of the fleet. This would make game more interesting, players could do more difficult researches and get more power. Antimatter technology and antimatter missiles or beam gun on deathstar. A super technology which …

  • Hello, I would like to share some ideas of game improvement. As long as I playing this game I noticed few things. Debris after moon destruction and occupation of the moon This would help to get more resources if the player is not a warrior and do not want to attack others. There are lot's of inactive players so them moons could be good debris sources. Also if player is inactive for a 15 days, there could be possibility to occupant and use inactive player moon.

  • Jumpgates

    Bleu - - Archive - Suggestions


    I would like to share some ideas of game improvement. As long as I playing this game I noticed few things. The Jumpgate network between alliance members and acs This means that alliance members could use each other jump gates and maybe can keep them fleet on the alliance members moon. This is very important ability for alliance members, which lets do more collaborations between alliance members. This network would allow few players to do fast acs defense or do blitz attack. Also I think this net…

  • Some ideas.

    Bleu - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hello, I would like to share some ideas of game improvement. As long as I playing this game I noticed few things. 1. The Jumpgate network between alliance members. This means that alliance members could use each other jump gates and and maybe keep them fleet on the alliance members moon. 2. Debris after moon destruction. This would help to get more resources if the player is not a warrior and do not want to attack others. There are lot's of inactive players so them moons could be good debris sou…