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  • Bring back the power of moons

    Tapatio - - Suggestions


    Quote from tarikmeister: “So, moons need to be harder to destroy? Yea right, so I need to wait 2-3 more years to be profitable to destroy moon? Im playing Eridanius on .us, and I dont know about any destroyed moons so far, except mine, I can easily abandon planet with moon because its so easy and cheap to obtain it. Get real people, if there is no reward for just destroying the moon, whats the point of destroying it, I have to destroy 10 moons in order to get 500 M fleet, people just use jump ga…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Tapatio - - Suggestions


    My 2 cents the balance NEED to be restore to The Moon 175 MD just 2 rips for MD so the balance need to be restore to compensate the cost and the time of the constructions on the moon will be ez to link the number of rips to the advance in the uni these solution is in the game for the expeditions So will be just adjusted the function to implement in MD adding the number of rips needed Implementing the longer time for the MD can be put in place at the same Time fix to a minimum time because sleep …